Chapter-34- Where Is Bondita?

Start from the beginning

The child continued saying, "Anna, please save her. She is so good.", as he sobbed.

"Rasagullas means roshogullas?", I exclaimed.

"Yes.", confirmed Subbu.

"That means Bondita is kidnapped!", I uttered. My soul shattered at the very thought as I froze on the spot.

"Who are you, child?", Subbu asked the boy.

"I am the son of an orange candy seller. My father sells candies here. One day my father made me sit near the candies and went for some work. Then some of the English boys from the school who came to buy the candies ragged me and made fun of my dark skin. Then rasagulla akka came in my defence and argued with the boys. Since then she befriended me and occasionally shared her rasagullas that she brings to school while I give her orange candies in return. I ate that sweet for the first time and I liked it so much. My mother never makes it for me. She says she doesn't know", said the child with a pout.

He was ten years old, all innocent and pure. It seems God sent him to give me a lead to search Bondita. No, Bondita herself showed me the way by helping the boy. So, she fought for what is right and this day we were reaping the benefits of her good deeds. "Bravo Bondita!", I thought and immediately my eyes got filled with water.

Nothing was clear yet. How to find out who took her? Mere physical description of the kidnapper by the child was not sufficient to figure out who was the culprit. Still everything seemed blurry and there seemed to be no light within the range of my sight.

After thanking the boy and sending him away, Subbu turned to me and said, "Anirudh, this is definitely the work of your enemies. Just think about all the enemies you have."

I pondered over the matter for a while. How can one figure out his enemies? Not everyone will show their true colours to you. It becomes even more difficult to find out if they are behind the 'mask of well-wishers'. Besides, my mind was not working properly then. I looked at my friend helplessly.

"First calm yourself down Anirudh. Only then you can think properly. You have told me numerous times to stay strong during unfavourable situations and you are breaking down like this?", Subbu asked.

"Since, it is about Bondita.", I confessed.

"Well, but you are her rakshak babu who needs to save her. If you break down, no one else can help her.", he continued, "So, first think if there is anyone whom you doubt. Are there any heated arguments that you got involved in, outside the court room or anyone threatened you?"

"Threatened? Yes, I was threatened by that money lender Ramalingam two days back. Wait, even today I received a threat from someone unknown.", I told Subbu.

"Two days ago, means on Bondita's birthday?", he asked.


"What did he say?"

"Something like, 'Drop the case or else you will lose your life.'", I said.

"That's all?", he asked.

"He said something else too, like, 'This time it is not going to be a small scratch or wound on your body, but everything that belongs to you will be snatched away, Anirudh babu. I will make sure that there is no reason left for you to live in this world.'" , as I finished saying this, the reality struck my mind.

"No reason left for me to live means no Bondita?", I uttered, "That means Ramalingam kidnapped Bondita?"

Then I remembered about the letter that I stuffed in my pocket and took it out to reread it again. I showed it to my friend as well. It was then that everything seemed to make sense to me. As my friend read each line aloud, I interpreted its meaning.

"Hold your breath, while we try to take away your peace.", read Subbu.

"My peace lies with Bondita.", I confessed.

"Take the name of your favourite God, while we seize your godly position.", he read.

"Bondita is the one who treats me as God. If not for Bondita, then I am a common man.", I chuckled pathetically.

"Bow your head down, while we lay hands on your pride.", Subbu read it fearfully.

I fisted my hands in anger and shut my eyes tight while screaming, "I will kill them if they try to badly touch my pride, that is, my Bondita."

"Get ready to taste defeat, as we rob your greatest achievement."

"Bondita is under my care and no one can snatch her away from me.", I said.

"Drop your madness, while we take hold of the torch of revolution that you ignited."

"When Bondita herself is my madness, how can I drop her? One day the light called Bondita will burn away all the filth from people's head.", I laughed.

"Shift your focus from that star in the sky towards the sun of your life.", read Subbu.

I thought for a while before saying, "Arundhati, wife of Ramalingam, is my late client who became a star in the sky. Also, her name suggests a star. So he is indirectly warning me to stop thinking about the case and focus on the light of my life, which is Bondita."

"Decide a way to die, while we snatch away your very purpose to live."

"They have even come to know that Bondita is the reason of my existence and that I will die without her, but how?"

"In case you are okay with our suggestions, thank us at Vaikuntam (abode of Lord Vishnu) and protect your dear life."

"To protect Bondita, they are asking me to come to Vaikuntam. That means, will they kill....", without even completing the entire sentence I broke into tears again shouting, "BONDITAAAAAAA...."

"Anirudh, I know where she is. Come let us go.", Subbu said.

"Where is Bondita?", I asked with hope filled eyes.

"In a village called Vaikuntapuram, fifty kilometers away from Madras.", he said.


Precap : Fitoori Anirudh

Here is the next part guys. I know, I told you I will post on Tuesday but I am doing it on Saturday, because I found this very tough to write. I planned this track long ago but I did not think that it would be coming out this way. I am happy that finally I am publishing it. You all read and tell me how it is.  I would love to read your inline comments too. Also, don't forget to vote. Happy reading :). 

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