Jaune was about to leave until he was stopped by ozpin.

Jaune: Yes, professor?

Ozpin: Just one little question......What's your favorite fairytale?

We now see jaune go to the dorm of team rwby only tomknock and see Blake not there. He asked where she was and they said that she went to the library. So going by that information he set off towards the library.

When he gets there he sees Blake sitting at a table by herself reading. He walks up to her only formher to see him and give him a smile.

Blake: Hey Jaune.

Jaune: Hey Blake.

They shared a brief but passionate kiss.

Jaune: So, what are you doing?

Blake: Just catching up on some reading, you?

Jaune: Oh not much. But can I talk to you about something in private.
He whispered the last part to her.

Blake: Is it serious?

Jaune: Yes...and you may yell at me which is why I want us to be somewhere private.

Blake was confused by the request but excepted and followed him to his teams dorm room. Thankfully the others were out.

Blake: So jaune what did you want to talk about?
She said while sitting on his bed.

Jaune: Just promise not to scream.

Jaune then began to explain the deal he made with Roman back ar the docks. Safe to say she wanted to yell but she knew if she did than there would be more problems for the both of them.

Blake: Jaune...does anyone else know about this?
She said calming herself down.

Jaune: The only people so far are ozpin, Goodwitch, my team and you.

Blake: Jaune, can you even trust your team?

Jaune: Blake their my team. If I didn't trust them I wouldn't have told them anything in the first place.

Blake: And how can you trust Torchwick?

Jaune: Because Blake I know people like him. He's just someone who likes to live his own life. But he can't if someone basically has a gun to his head 24/7.

Blake thought about it for a minute but decided to leave it at that for now.

Jaune: But there is also another reason why I wanted you here.

Blake: Then what is it?

Jaune then explained Haki to Blake and asked if she wanted tomlearn at least basic haki. She agreed but asked an important question.

Blake: Jaune, what about my team?

Jaune: Sadly, they'll have to be left in the dark.

Blake was about to say something but was cut off by Jaune.

Jaune: Now understand Blake I'm not saying that I don't trust them but I don't want them to accidentally get in the way. Nothing against them of course.

Blake: Then what about me?

Jaune: Your different. I trust you, and I'll need your help with a specific mission coming up soon. So...you in?

Blake stared at him for minute which felt like hours thinking about how her team would react to all this information. But yet in the end it was all for their safety and Jaune wasn't wrong about them accidentally getting the way.

Jaune Roronora VinsmokeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum