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I've been doing better...despite everything and the loss I endured of someone I never met.

Ever since that night a week ago, I have been in Taylor's bedroom recovering.

Tomorrow, I go back to work.

This pain sucks though.

So to pass time, I have been reading Taylor's old journal I snagged from the mansion and he walks in the room looking at the book.

"Hey, Baby girl. What are you reading?"

"When I was in the mansion, I was locked away in your old room. I found an old journal dating all the way back to 2012 to 2017."

He sat next to me, taking the journal from me, "Anything interesting?"

"I mean...it's all of your stuff.."

He flipped through the pages reading the journal some, nodding his head, I was worried he would be upset with me for snooping through his personal life.

"Here, gorgeous," he says as he handed it back to me, taking me by surprise.

"You're not upset that I snooped through your old room?"

"Why, did you find any porno films or magazines. I thought I took those with me."

He looked in the drawers and I giggled, "No. I didn't find anything. I'm just saying. This was all I found."

"Babe, I don't care. It's an old journal. I wrote my thoughts and feelings in there. Things you either know about or should know about."

I chewed on my bottom lip and laid in his arms. I laid the book on the bedside table cuddling up to him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. I'm still hurting in some areas but I'm better."

I feel his hand rubbing against my hip softly, being gentle with me. He kissed my temple whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, ask me anything."

My hand reached up touching his eyebrows and he smiled gazing into my eyes, "What about us?"

"What about us?"

"We never officially tied a label to us."

Taylor looked at me with a huge smile, grinning with a smirk, "You're mine always. I made you a promise which you're still wearing. That never stopped."

I felt his lips kissing my cheek, "I want a future with you. You and my daughter are my everything. You're all I need in my life."

My eyes watered up instantly and I laid my head on his chest, feeling him wrapping his arms around me.

"So you're not upset or mad at me?"

Slowly, he lifts my chin, his eyes filled with concern, "Why would I be either. I'm relieved, thankful."

"I'm talking about the miscarriage."


He rubbed his chin, sitting up a little, "No. I'm not mad or upset. Unfortunately, we never met them but I wasn't sure if you were ready to talk about it."

I feel his fingers threading through my hair softly.

I'm not sure how I feel about it all because I never knew I was pregnant to start with yet I never met them.

"If I were pregnant...."

"Just like I have Kai. They would be given the world. Miscarriages are painful I would guess but I couldn't imagine what you went through, Mia."

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