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Jordan sat to my right and Xavier was to my left while the rest of my employees fill the eight other chairs.

"So how do we increase our market?"

I shake my head not sure how we could, our marketing and investments in these small businesses have worked phenomenal.

Now we are getting to the good parts of raising our goal and make more money.

"Our partnerships with these businesses have sky rocketed so we're doing nothing but good. I believe we let the businesses flow as normal. Meet with each, Jordan and I will meet with them."

My assistant looked at me when I turned to her, "I want you give them a call or message, set up times for this week so we can get this moving."

"Yes, Mr.Romano."

"Alright. Meeting dismissed. Let's get this place closed for the evening. You guys have a good night if I don't see you outside."

Everyone stood up from their chairs and filed out of the meeting room except for Jordan and Xavier.

"Any updates on the wolves?"

"Nope. They've been silent."

I looked at Jordan confused, "Silent?"

Xavier agreed with him, "Grayson said nothing was missing from our shipments. Zoe even checked footage covering all the areas and nothing was tampered with."

I exhaled, "Which only means he's planning something major. Something huge."

"We'll keep a lookout. Grayson and I have watched the locations from afar. No activity as of now but I wouldn't doubt he has men on our ass."

"True. Just keep me updated. Let's get this building locked up soon and everyone home."

They leave and I grabbed my iPad and iPhone following them out of the room and heading down to my office where I find Rylee, terrified.


Tears fall down her cheeks and she was trembling, shaking and couldn't calm herself.

It's around 7pm and I realized Rylee was wearing her glasses, a pair of night shorts and my hoodie.

Her brunette medium length hair was tied up in a bun that was falling apart.

Immediately, I reached for cheek, tucking her hair in. I wiped her tears away as they kept falling.

"Mr.Romano...she stormed in here. I couldn't stop her," my assistant says.

"She's fine. She has access."

She frowned and I had her leave my office.

When we were alone, Rylee broke down even more and I pulled her in my arms pulling her close to me:

"Shhh...let it out. It's okay, whatever it is, I'm sure you're safe now."

"Someone was....following...me."

We pulled apart and she grabbed my biceps trying to calm down, "Following you? Did you see who?"

She shook her head, "They tried to grab me but I ran as fast as I could getting here because I was close by," she went on.

"Did they say something to you?"

"Something about Kayden but I couldn't hear them as I tried to get away," she sobbed.

My father is up to this...

Without a second thought, I pulled her into my arms and hugging her close as I stroke her hair.

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