•25•mission mansion•

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I notice the temperature dropped in here meaning it was evening.

There was little to no light in here, it is always cold.

Here I lay on the concrete floor, shivering, and hungry.

My body aches of the pain and I feel very weak from it all, the beating, the loss. Not having any food because I refused whatever they tried to feed me.

How am I alive right now?

I've thrown up numerous times, so my body weight has changed drastically. I lost weight like crazy.

The door opened and Silas walked in unchaining my wrists.

"What are you doing?"

"Moving you."

I grew confused as he picked my frail body off of the floor and he carried me out.


"Because, I don't agree with this. Ever since I heard you lost your baby. I couldn't do it anymore. My girlfriend lost hers too."

I exhaled, "Then why didn't you let me free?"

"Because, my boss would have my head and I need to make it home to my girlfriend. I will take you to the bedroom. There's a bed and a change of clothes."

The house was dark than I last remembered and he walked up a flight of stairs.

When we reached the room, I realized it was Taylor's old bedroom that I was thrown in when I first got here.

"In the morning, I'll have to take you back down but I'll have to lock the door until then, alright?"

He laid me on the bed and I was aching in more pain. Quickly, Silas left the room closing the door and I hear it lock.

I exhaled deeply.

I noticed the clothes on the bed which were a pair of shorts and a large black T-shirt.

After changing into them, I started bleeding again and I started to cry even more. The pain was unbearable at this point.

I had to be quiet.


Everyone stood around the table as the gang loaded up our vehicles.

"Miles and Camila, you're job is to wipe out anything in the apartment. Use your team to help you get out of there. The less going in the better."

I turn to Zoe, "Actually, Camila and Zoe will go in, you guys are familiar with technology. You will do this. Miles, Xavier and Grayson, I want you to wipe out the warehouse, take your team. I'm sure it's crawling with people."

Zoe nodded, "Very active. People have been crawling all over the place since her disappearance."

I nodded.

"Jordan and I are Mission Mansion. Zoe and Gray, text me as soon as you are clear."

They all grabbed their weapons, communication devices and everything needed to do this.

Jordan and I walked out to my GTR and I wait until everyone was loaded and geared up as they entered the SUVs rolling out.

We get in the GTR and rolled out behind them following a different route which was two hours from here.

Zoe messaged me upon arrival since the apartment was close.

"They just begun. Zoe said she is wiping all hard drives and devices left behind. Cammie is destroying all paper files."

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