23: Tears and Past

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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

JUST HOW???????

ANYGAYS! LET'S PROCEED!_________________________________________________

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


Slamming the tab loudly on the desk Y/N ran her finger through her hair. Hoseok hasn't come out of his room after he read that article. Though Yoongi convinced her he needs some time due to his past, Y/N felt like her heart was being stabbed. And that came out as anger. She had called Jeffery at her office and was discussing legal actions when she was notified about the huge stock crash of the company. A few partners had decided to terminate the contract with them and these annoyed her to the core. "I know that damn woman is responsible for this. I am going to end her existence!" She said and threw a paperweight across the room. Jin came running inside.
"Y/N calm down!" He said holding her shoulders. "How can I be calm!" She yelled. Jin pulled her into a hug. "How can I be calm knowing Hobi is suffering alone all because of me!" She said between sobs. All of the pent up anger and stress coming out. Suddenly, her breath quickened. "I- I c-can't be-breath!!" She said wheezing for air. "Deep breaths, take deep breaths! Follow with me" Jin said rubbing her back. With one hand he fished her anxiety meds out of her bag and gave her one pill. Helping her take it he said, "Breath in, breath out. Keep doing this," he said helping her sit. After a few moments, Y/N calmed down. Jeffery handed her a glass of water. His wife had sent some cinnamon rolls she had made for Y/N since she liked sweets.
"Y/N," Jeffery said. "Tell me everything from what happened yesterday". With a deep sigh, Y/N corroborated the incidents of the previous day. How that vile woman had made the disgusting proposal. How that woman wanted to harm her mates and how she had threatened about consequences. Y/N finished everything with how she thought she was a horrible person for what was happening to Hoseok is her fault. Jeffery Sighed.
"You realize what you are saying is complete and utter bullshit right?" A voice said from outside her office. "Yumi!" Y/N jumped up. "Ya noona! Just Yumi? How about Hi Jongin how are you doing?" Her boyfriend said with a pout. "Jongin ah, how are you? You are keeping my bestie happy right?" Y/N said with a chuckle. "Yes, I am fantastic and no your best friend doesn't listen to me," Jongin said. Yumi rolled her eyes. "You are sleeping on the couch and no sexy time for a week," she said entering Y/N's cabin. "Yaaa....!" Jongin said whining. "This is Jin, one of my mates," Y/N said introducing Seokjin. "That's right. You have seven absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous men as mates, yet I still hear you whining. Like girl? You can have an orgy anytime you want!" Yumi said crossing her arms. Y/N smacked her. "Watch your tongue trash mouth. My head of the legal team is here!" She said pointing to Jeffery. Jeffery nodded his head a no. "Don't mind me. Please Continue. This is quite entertaining" he said with a smirk.
Y/N facepalmed. "Anyways. Guys and gals, I have a wonderful plan to get back to that wild witch of the west" Yumi said flipping her hair. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Y/N said raising her eyebrows. "Oh, hush now marshmallow. That wild witch of the west and her tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb needs to learn a lesson and then be completely taken out. I have a full-proof plan for that" Yumi said.
"Let's go to my home to discuss it," Y/N said. "Why?" Yumi asked. Looking at her cabin door Y/N saw a faint shadow. She bent towards her desk and took a paper. In a large alphabet, she wrote, 'THERE IS A MOLE IN THE COMPANY'. " Well, my home has lots of food. So," she said out a bit loud. The others immediately agreed with her.

Peaches And Cream :   A BTS Hybrid AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz