15: As the storm brews

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6 months later:
Jeffery Young was a shark of an attorney. He had worked through every nooks and peril of the will left to Song Y/N by her family and found all the critical details that would be necessary for her to become the new CEO. The acting CEO Mr Kwon Jiyong was a respected man with a transparent and cordial work ethic. The day for Y/N to become the new CEO had come. She was meeting with Jeffery and Jiyong at Song Enterprises, Inc. Headquarters with her personal assistant Jin. Yes. Jin was an amazing learner and had been trained by Jiyong himself after Y/N's recommendation and had now been qualified to be her PA. Everything was dandy and they were about to go out when Y/N remembered she had to take the scent blockers.
She had been taking scent blockers since that incident. She had decided she did not need a new mate. Also, those hybrid hunters used caged and chained hybrids to track people. The boys were concerned at first and asked her why they could never get her smell, so she had told them. It did break their hearts at first, but they understood. She needed time. Losing a mate wasn't easy after all.
So that morning when she found out she had run out of scent blockers, it was indeed a predicament. "Jin, remind me to pick a bottle of scent blockers from the pharmacy!" She said getting into the car. Soobin and Beomgyu were in the back seat. Yes. Soobin had recovered fully and they after much insistence (and a lot of puppy eyes) were allowed by Y/N to be her bodyguards. Jin nodded and buckled up.
Riding down the forested highway, Y/N focused on the beautiful tall trees around her. "Y/N" Jin said breaking the silence. "Yeah?" Y/N said looking at Jin from the corner of her eyes. "You know you are soon going to be known in public. Your identity would be out in the open. Do you still think, it is maybe good to stop taking the scent blockers?" Jin asked. Y/N looked straight ahead. "We have talked about this Jin. It is just not one reason why I take them." She said. Jin nodded and decided to not further push her. "How do I tell you Y/N, how much We have started to like you. How deep we have fallen for you" he thought.
The car stopped beside a pharmacy and Beomgyu got out. "You stay here, I'll bring the blockers," he said to Y/N. He entered the pharmacy. Beomgyu had observed the girl and the seven hybrids for 6 months now. He might not talk much but he has seen the love dripping out of the hybrid's eyes once they see Y/N. He wanted Y/N to have a good life, away from all the past traumas. "Give me a bottle of scent blockers," he said to the pharmacist. "Which one? 24hours, 12 hours or 48 hours" Beomgyu thought for a bit. Should he? But that would be betraying Y/N's trust. But he cannot see her be closed up for life. The half bond hurt her physically some days. It could slowly result in her death. "12hours," he said to the pharmacist. "Let's take the risk," he thought to himself.
Entering the car she handed Y/N the bottle. She popped it open and took one pill. They drove off and then finally stopped in front of Song Enterprise headquarters. The four of them exited the car and walked to the entrance.
"Y/N! Welcome!" Said a man in a black suit. "Hello, Mr Kwon!" She said shaking his hands. "Please. Call me Jiyong." He said. "Follow me," he said and led the party to the elevator. The elevator beeped to a stop on the 26th floor. The group of people exited the elevator. Walking straight to a room in front of the elevator Jiyong said, "please, take a seat." All of them, excluding Soobin and Beomgyu took a seat. The door swung open and Jeffrey walked in. "Hello. I hope I am not late" he said. "No, not all!" Said Y/N. He took a seat. Jiyong opened a file and forwarded a piece of paper. "I prepared this speech for you, I advance. Please see, if you would like to make any changes to it" he said to Y/N. She looked over the paper. "This is fantastic Jiyong. No more changes are needed" Y/N said. "So, as you know, there would be a lot of questions from the shareholders of the company. Including a major shareholder of the Company, Janet Kim" said Jeffery. Y/N's eyes widened. "Janet Kim?! She is the major shareholder?" She said with wide eyes. "Unfortunately, yeah. Your father made some poor decisions in finances once long back. Mrs Kim's company supported Song Corporation financially. So" Jiyong sighed. "Well, there is a way," said Jefferey. Everyone looked at him. "Your father has a hybrid rescue facility, which Janet Kim had demanded long ago. But your father offered her the shares instead. If you are willing to make the trade" he trailed off. "Hell no!" Said Y/N.
Jeffery nodded. "I was hoping that would be your answer. Well, this is a bit of confidential information. Janet Kim has connections in the ministry. She has been pushing forward an experimental project for the last 5 years. Your father, being the more well-connected one, opposed it. It is called 'Operation XI'. They want to experiment with a certain gene on hybrids which might turn them either permanently into humans or permanently into animals." Y/N looked at him with an open mouth. "That bitch is still up to that?" She asked, agitated. "What do you mean?" Asked Jiyong. "I heard about Operation XI from Jae. He was the first test subject. The serum may him physically weak. He lost the ability to see colours permanently. He had weak bones and walking or standing for too long used to be a trouble for him. He ran away to the rescue facility owned by dad. Since then Janet had tried multiple ways to recapture Jae but was unsuccessful." She said.
"Looks like she is. Well, for now, we have prepared a list of possible questions the shareholders may ask. So you go over that. There is still an hour left for the meeting to start. " said Jiyong. Y/N nodded.

Before entering the hall, Y/N felt all of her nerves jamming up. She stopped walking. Another bout of panic rose inside her throat. Slowly an arm wrapped around her waist. "Deep breaths Y/N. Take deep breaths." Y/N recognized it was Jin. Jiyong and Jeffery had gone inside the meeting room to brief the shareholders. Taking in deep breaths Y/N felt her hands shivering. "Jin I-I cannot!" Jin swiftly turned her towards him And held her face in the palm of his hand.  She looked into his deep brown eyes. "You can do it Y/N, You are one of a kind. You a kind, gentle, and good at heart. You know how to stand up to bad. I am proud of you"
Y/N preened under the gaze of Jin. It was enticing and captivating. Their breath mixed. Jin snaked his hands around her waist and pulled her towards him. Y/N gasped. She wanted to drown in the ocean of his eyes. She wanted to feel the warmth they held. And so she did. Slowly closing her eyes, she kissed him. Jin held her right against him and kissed her back with equal fervour. Second, by second, lips moulding together, their palms held by each other, they drowned in the ecstasy.
Breaking the kiss for air, Y/N looked at Jin. His eyes held love. Nothing but love. "Let's go, love," he said. Pulling her towards the conference room. Y/N followed him like a lost puppy. Dazed by the kiss they shared.

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