13: Three for the Girl, Four for the boy

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T.W.: Suicide/Self-harm

Yumi, Y/N and Jin walked to the large building. The Security guard at the elevator asked which floor they were going to. "16th floor. Mr Young's office." Y/N said. "Do you have an appointment?" He asked. "Yes," said Y/N. "May I see your appointment number?" The guard asked. Y/N opened her phone and showed the guard a text message. The guard nodded and let them in the elevator. "Get on the 18th floor and take your left. Mr Young's office is the 5th one" the guard said and closed the elevator. The three people rode in silence. Jin was used to elevators by then after having a major spook in the hospital which made him transform into a very agitated and fluttering bird.
They went to the office as directed and Y/N knocked on the door. "Come in," a relatively young voice said from inside. Yuna said, "I am gonna go wait in the cafeteria. Let me know what happens" Y/N nodded. She and Jin entered the office and was welcomed by a man in his late 20s typing away at a computer with stacks of paper around. "Hello, I am Song Y/N. This is my assistant Kim Seokjin." The lawyer bowed. "Welcome Ms Song and Mr Kim. I am Jeffrey Young." All three of them sat down.
"I am hoping you know the brief from the email," Y/N said. "Yeah. I do. You want to complete the procedures of taking over your father's company." Mr Young said. Y/N nodded. "I am curious though, why approach a new lawyer instead of the lawyer your parents had their wills made by?" Mr Young asked with curious eyes. "Well, there are a lot of things. Since you would be assisting me I think you should know." Y/N said and sat back. The lawyer nodded. "Mr Kim Su, I do not trust him. I had a little background check done on him, well, illegally and turns out he has had a history of bribery. He is also associated with an entity I would very much like to keep my distance from. Second. There are parts of the will only he and I knew. According to that, I was appointed bodyguard. It has been less than 24 hours and I was attacked by a sniper. Like my enemies knew I have bodyguards at home. If they did not, they would have broken into my home to kill me. Third, a part of my father's will, Mr Kim Su completely avoided mentioning, included how my father had a hybrid rescue facility and did incredible work there. As if Mr Kim Su doesn't want me to inherit that. Why hide it?" Y/N said. Jin was shocked at this information. "What is the name of this entity you want to avoid?" Jeffrey asked. "Seongwhan Multi Trading Corporation. Their owner Janet Kim, has been behind my family's life. The comps have reasonable evidence to believe Mrs Janet Kim was behind the assassination of my family." Y/N said.
Jeffery nodded. "I have to pull a lot of strings for this. But first and foremost, we both need to be very transparent to each other about everything. Is there anything else in this matter you need to say?" Y/N sighed and thought for a moment. "I have an uncle, a very vengeful and greedy sort. He can do anything and everything for power and money. So can his wife. Also, I have 7 hybrids living with me who were previously terrorized by the same entity I mentioned earlier" Y/N said. Jeffery nodded. "Mr Young-" Y/N was interrupted. "Call me Jeff please," the lawyer said. "Okay, Jeff, how long will the takeover procedure last?" Y/N asked. "A week depending upon how I obtain the necessary paper works from attorney Kim Su," Jeff said.

Settling on the cosy recliner in her room, Y/N looked out the huge glass window. The warm afternoon sunlight filtered through the large canopy of the trees. It created a beautiful light and shadow silhouette. The birdsong and natural sound made for a soothing environment. Y/N was about to drift off on the recliner when there was a knock on the door of her room. "Come in," she said. The door opened to reveal Namjoon and Yoongi. "Hi! Come in!" Y/N said cheerily. Namjoon and Yoongi came in and sat on the chair and couch in front of the recliner. They looked at each other nervously. Ears flicking on top of their head and tails swaying sideways. "Uh. N," Namjoon began nervously. "So like, we told you we would stay until Hoseok recovered." Y/N's heart dropped. The past few say she had considered them her family. Buying random gifts for them, their greetings and warm hugs when she entered the house made her feel less lonely. "Of course". Y/N thought to herself. "They just knew me for a few days. Why would they even consider me as a friend? Also staying with me puts their lives at risk" her mind kept pouring negativity into her thoughts. "And?" She asked, scared of what the answer would be. "We have taken enough of your time, money and kindness. We don't know how to repay it, but we would not like to mooch off of you anymore. So we would like to leave," Namjoon said. Y/N felt that similar pain in the chest that she felt whenever she remembered her dead family. "But the hunters, they are out there," Y/N said. Softly. Trying to keep them there for a few more days. Maybe for a few more days, she can feel 'love'. For a few more days she wanted that warmth to last. The cold reality would be there forever. "We... We would relocate somewhere else. But at this point, it feels like we are taking advantage of you," Namjoon said. Y/N saw Yoongi was looking at his feet playing with his fingers. Y/N sighed. "You are not taking advantage of me. You make this house more of a home than it ever was. I love your presence in this house. But if you feel uncomfortable and would like to leave then who am I to stop you."
Namjoon looked at her, she smiled at her with a bitter smile. "You have no problem with us staying and leeching off you?" He asked. Surprised. Surprised that the kindness and the compassion the woman in front of him was showing were entirely different from what he knew humans as. Those hybrids at the hospital had human mates. That had all seven of them thinking if they would ever get to experience something like that. "I might sound selfish," Y/N said, looking at the forest outside, her knees curled up to her chest. "I want you all to stay here, with me, like my family. Honestly, the last bit of family I had is gone. I had this beautiful feeling whenever I came home from somewhere and you greeted me. I felt I had something to look forward to. I guess, I wasn't destined to hold on to love". Y/N said chuckling bitterly, still looking at the forest. " If it was up to me, I would have asked you to stay here forever, but your decisions matter too," Y/N said looking at Namjoon. "And not to mention if you stay here, your life would be in constant danger," she said. Namjoon looked at Yoongi and then sighed. "I'll let you know the final decision once I talk to everyone else?" he said. Y/N nodded. The two boys got up and left. Yoongi's ears had flattened against his head.
Y/N looked back at the forest and sighed. 'I guess I never was meant for having a family.' Her thoughts got darker every second. She took her cell phone and called Yumi. She did not pick up the phone.

⚠️ Trigger Warning ahead ⚠️

Y/N was feeling restless. Pacing back and forth in the room she tried to calm down her thoughts. 'Useless. You are useless! Your family died because of you!' Shaking her head Y/N decided to have a cold bath. Maybe that will be relaxing. Entering the washroom fully clothed she filled the bathtub with cold water. While it was filling up, she looked at the cabinet which was open wide. A bottle of Benzo stuck out like a sore thumb. Taking it in her hand, her mind went wild. 'End it! End your pathetic existence! You do not deserve to be living and breathing and going around like normal while the people who deserved that are no longer here! End it you bitch!" Pulling on her hair Y/N screamed. Getting in the tub, she saw the eyebrow razor near it. She picked it up.
Chugging the bottle of pills she discarded the container. Slowly slipping into the water, she sliced her left wrist and then the right, letting out pained whimpers and shallow breaths. Letting go of the razor, she slipped into the water, her petite frame engulfed in it slowly. The faces of her family, smiling, laughing, the boys when they first had fried chicken wings! Watching food recipes together and scratching their ears. Them pouting for ear scratches when Y/N was busy.
A stray tear streaked down her eyes, her body slowly slipping underwater while she slipped into unconsciousness. Once her head was fully submerged, she closed her eyes while her vision faded away.

"Hyung! Do you smell blood? A lot of it?"

Peaches And Cream :   A BTS Hybrid AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora