10: Bodyguards

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Nearing the driveway of her house, Y/N stalled the vehicle. Turning back, she looked at the two men. "Relax. And talk to me. As a normal person. Not like a bodyguard". The two men looked at each other and nodded. Their body relaxed. " What are your names?" She asked. "I am Soobin," The taller one said. "I am Beomgyu," the other slightly shorter one said. "Alright Soobin and Beomgyu, I have people in my house and the last thing I want is to freak them out. So what do you know about hybrids?" Y/N asked. "Oh! I have a hybrid at home. He is really cute and cuddly!" Soobin said. "We both have hybrids at home. We live together. They are a bunch of crackheads I swear!" Beomgyu said. Y/N chuckled. Putting the car into drive, she entered the driveway. Stopping inside the garage, the three exited the car.
"Wait here," Y/N told to her bodyguards. Entering the house she was tackled by a hug. "Where were you! I missed you so much!" The bear hybrid said. "Tae get off her! Let her breathe" Jin said peeling Taehyung off Y/N. Y/N smiled. "That felt good. I missed getting hugged" she said ruffling Tae's hair. They broke into a Chesire grin. "I have two guests and they may be here with me for a few days," Y/N said. The guys perked up. "Who?" Yoongi asked. "Well, before her death my mom made a will, in the will she started that she wants to appoint two bodyguards until the legal take over of the company is settled," Y/N said. "Would you guys be uncomfortable? Because your comfort and safety are more important to me." She asked. "If your mom wanted, maybe it was for the best. So it is okay. But are the bodyguards okay with hybrids?" Namjoon said. "They said they live with hybrids, so I guess," Y/N said.

The room was still silent as the wolf, Tiger, Panther and bear hybrids stared intently at the two bodyguards. Yoongi pulled Y/N and stood in from of her. "Hurt her or lay a finger on her and you will be ripped to shreds," He said eyes narrowed. The two large bodyguards visibly shrank. "O-okay," Soobin said. "You smell of hybrids," Jimin said from behind them. "We live with hybrids," Beomgyu said turning to him. "Guys. They are harmless." Y/N whined. Soobin bowed to the boys followed by Beomgyu. Soobin Looked at the boys and said. "We promise, we would not let a scratch on Ms Song as long as we are here. Since it is our first day, we both are here, from tomorrow we would be in shifts. I would be there from morning to afternoon. And Beomgyu would be there from Afternoon to morning". Y/N nodded and smiled. " I like that plan. And please call me Y/N, not Ms Song. It makes me feel like a stuck up person." Soobin nodded. Yoongi let out a gruff. All this while Soobin watched the interaction of Y/N and the boys intently. 'Are they jealous? Do they have feelings for her?' He thought to himself. "So where will they stay?" Jin asked. Soobin smirked and an evil plan hatched in his mind. "Well, according to the rules we would stay in Y/N's room" as soon as he said that the boys said in unison, "NO!". Both the bodyguards broke out in fits of laughter. " sorry! That was a bad prank! Our roommate will come to pick us up at 10 pm" Soobin said still giggling. Y/N giggled.
Later, Y/N was working on something on the couch when she felt a finger poke her. Looking up she saw Jimin. "Yes, Jimin?" She asked. The Ginger cat swished his tail and pouted. "Can I get ear scratches?" He asked. Y/N smiled. "Sure." She said removing her laptop. Jimin waddled to the couch and laid his head on Y/N's lap. Y/N slowly petted his head and then moved her hand to his ears. Scratched them softly at the base. Jimin let out purrs in bliss. Suddenly beside her, she felt a presence. Looking beside her, she saw Jungkook looking at her with huge doe eyes. Smiling she called her too and patted her other lap. He happily skipped and sat on the ground and started to pet the tee hybrids giving them ear scratches. The rubles of purrs coming in front three the cat and the panther lulled her into a deep sleep.
"Look at them. They look so cute!"
"Hush Hobi! Let me take a picture!"
Y/N stirred awake at the two voices. She saw she fell asleep on the couch headrest. Jimin and Jungkook are asleep on her lap. Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon look at him with mischievous eyes while Taehyung pouting from afar and Yoongi look at her like with half a pout and half a scowl.
"Sorry I fell asleep," Y/N said slowly getting up from the bounds of the two sleeping felines. She got up and walked towards Taehyung and scratched his ears with a chuckle. "I should go make dinner. She said and walked towards the kitchen. Soobin and Beomgyu stood in front of the door. Entering the kitchen, Y/N brought out the ingredients. She planned on making a pot of chicken and kimchi stew with rice noodles. So fishing out the ingredients she started to make the parts needed for the stew. Jim entered the kitchen and asked, " Do you need any help?" Y/N smiled and nodded. "Can you cut the tofu into cubes?" She asked placing the tofu and a knife in front of him. Jin and Y/N were busy with work when Y/N turned to pick up a bowl. "What is that red dot on your head?" Jin asked. "Red dot? Where?" Y/N asked. She moved and the dot moved too. At that moment Soobin came to the Kitchen to have a glass of water when he heard the conversation. He saw the red dot. "Y/N DUCK!" he screamed and ran towards her. He ran to Y/N hugged her and switched positions.

Swish! Pop!

"SOOBIN!" Y/N screamed.
"I told you I won't let a scratch on you!" Said Soobin and fell. Y/N caught him and sat down with him. Jin ran to them. The commotion gathered the other hybrids and Beomgyu. "CALL 119! NOW!" Y/N screamed to Beomgyu.

Miles away, Three hybrids were playing when one of them clutched his heart and fell to the ground. He screamed in agony. "Mate....hurt..!" He mumbled out in agonizing pain.


Bye...Don't kill me...💀

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