We enjoyed the dinner in peace. She drank some soju, but I'm sure it's not enough to lead to a drunk Soyeon.

On the way home, going to her apartment, she fell asleep maybe it's the soju effect or she's tired. Whatever it is, I'm thankful that she slept.

I immediately informed the driver to drive back to the mansion. I'm bringing her back. She might hate me the next day, but I need her to be there again, to help her to solve whatever she's facing.

"Jungkook-ah, open up." I said carrying Soyeon in bridal style. "Hyung-" he immediately shut himself.

"Move." I whispered. "What happened to her?" he asked, worried. "Nothing, just slept maybe." I placed her on her bed then explained what happened this evening.

"I leave her to your care? You better don't mess up." I warned him before leaving, and of course not before giving Soyeon a goodnight kiss.

Jungkook POV
I froze. She's here. She's freaking here. 'What should I do? Jungkook, you coward, you should find something to do.' but I don't know what to do cause she's aslept.

I no longer care about the game that was still on. I observed her by the bedside. She was facing left side, her hands actually grabbing on the duvet. 'Does she want cuddles?'

I didn't really know but I wasted no time and climbed to her other side, carefully not to wake her up. I wrapped her around my arm.

I'm happy, she snuggled close to me. Her hair tingling my throat. I hoped time stop right now and we can stay like this forever.

I'm too tired of finding out why she distanced herself now, so I just joined her in the sleep.

Next morning, I woke up feeling some weight on my waist. I realised, I'm with Soyeon. I glanced at my waist and saw that her hand was there loosely placed. She's still sleeping close to me. Such a good morning.

"Soyeon-ah...." I sighed. "What did I do? Have I did something wrong? Have I angered you? Why do you suddenly move to live at your apartment? Why is everything happening like this? How I wished everyday you are here with me...." I said thinking she's still sleeping.

Chloe POV
"Soyeon-ah...." 'Jungkook?'

'Am I dreaming? What happened?' I didn't dare to open my eyes. So I ended up listening to the whole ass speech he said. 'Is this real? How did I end up beside him?' I thought, still taking in what he said.

'Whatever real or not. I can at least maybe tell the fake Jungkook what happened if I don't have the courage to tell the real one.'

"Jungkook-ah." I said softly and felt his hold tighten.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I put you through any hard time. I just- I just don't know what to do." I said hiding my face in his chest, not dare to face him.

"Why? What are you facing now?"

Flashback. (a/n : if you still remember that 'it's me')

"It's me." Jungkook said placing a kiss behind my neck.

"Jungkook? You guys are back?" I said standing up to welcome them. "Yeah."

"Where's Jimin Oppa?" I asked. "Here." Jimin answered coming out from our room's bathroom. 'When did they come in?'

"Oh, I didn't realise you guys come in." I said. "Come on, let's unpack." Jimin pulled Jungkook's hand off me. "Soyeon-ah, you can do your own things." as he finished saying, I turned around to work on my computer again.

'I didn't heard it wrong right? It's obviously the sound of a kiss placed.' I pretended to look around, minding my own business.

I acted natural, even after catching a confusing scene. 'Did he just leaned near to his cheek or mouth?'

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