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Hassan's POV.

I sit across 3 of my sister's aunts, while another was on a different couch. 2 of them brought their husband's and their uncle was also present.

I can't let these people who left her, to get something they did not deserve. I had to cancel a flight to make it to this meeting today because I know if I didn't show up they'd use it as an excuse to take everything from her.

Khairat is easy going and soft and I know if she were the one who showed up today they'd guilt trip and play her, I'm not going to let that happen, not today.

"So now that we're all gathered, we have shared everything equally among all four sisters and we'll read it out loud now"

One stands folding her arms "For your information there are three sisters and a niece, you can't expect us to accept the fact that we're sharing our inheritance with someone who isn't our sister".

"That's nonsense" I say frustratedly "Islam doesn't have any mention of that, she's his daughter as well"

The other stands "Her mother died months after her birth, she doesn't even know her but she gets to keep her inheritance? That's just absurd"

"Exactly" her husband says backing her up.
The third stands "You're not even her son, why are you here? How are we sure you're not here to steal from the poor girl?"

They all nod.
"That does not matter" I say back.

The third laughs sarcastically "Didn't she just get married to a wealthy man? What else does she want? Does she have to be greedy and strip us off our father's wealth too?"

"That isn't the concern here, we're here to split the inheritance and that's that. She's the fourth and there's nothing you can do about it"

"Enough" their uncle says "Your father asked that she specifically be part of it so this conversation is over".


We all sit in the living room with Ma.
Khairat was seated next to her as my mother clasped her hands, gently patting them.

Ramla was seated on the carpet playing with Khalid (Rabi's Son) while Rabi and I sat side by side on the couch.

"You're really going back?" Ramla asks with a frown.

My wife, children and I live in Tottenham because I work there, I came for my sister's wedding and went back then I came back a month ago and immediately everything with Khairat is settled I'm going back, hopefully next week.

"Yes, I have to. I have alot to do back home and I only took 2weeks break".

Khairat smiles "We've gotten used to having you around"

"I'm just a video call away"
Ma nods "It's nothing like seeing you in person but I get it, it's what you have to do"

I nod in agreement.
"We're going to miss you" Rabi says.

She's someone I also worry alot about.
Her husband is what you'd call incompetent, he expects everything to be done by either his wife or his brother. He doesn't even have a stable job and they're currently living in a house that his older brother provided.

It breaks my heart to see her going through it but she loves him and they have a son so I have to do what I can to support them.

Then there's Ma who has been enjoying her alone time, she obviously misses having Ramla with her but she feels it's like hitting two birds with one stone.

Firstly, Ramla can help Khairat out since she's pregnant and because it's twin's she's really heavy for being in her 17th week. Secondly, she sees us as an opportunity to get used to having her away because based on my plans she'll be getting married next year, she just doesn't know it yet.

But our cousin Fa'izah is staying with her so it's all okay.
"Don't worry, I'll handle and take care of everything while you're away" Rabi says.

They all turn their heads away "What? Can't I?"

Khairat shakes her head "Not really, you don't have the patience"

She rolls her eyes whatever.


Iqram's POV.

Yusrah and Ya Muktar took a paternity test and thankfully he isn't the child's father.

I've never been so excited in my life, no one has to deal with those two for the rest of their lives.

Now the problem is what she'd tell him. She kept repeating that she doesn't want to deceive him but I think there's something behind it, I just hope Muktar can fight it off next time.

"Iqram?" Abdul calls my name.
I don't know why he thought the three of us sitting outside in a gazebo would be okay because it's really not.

He was working on his laptop while Khairat read, I felt bored out of my mind but I don't want to be labeled as the bad wife so I just sat there, letting my mind wander.

"You okay?" He asks.
Both he and Khairat seemed to be watching me closely.

"Yes, why are you asking?"
"I asked you a question but it seemed like your mind was elsewhere"

I nod "I'm fine, what did you ask?"
He looks at me unsure but shrugs "Khairat wants to have a baby shower"

I glare at her "And what's the point?"
She looks at me boredly "Because they are my first children and I want to, the fact that I want to explains it all"

"But you don't need to" I counter.
She rolls her eyes "And I need to ask your permission?"

We both turn to Abdul.
"So?" She asks.
"Are you?" I ask.

He looked stilted "Do I really have to answer?"
"Yes" we chorus.

"Okay, Khairat you brought it up, why do you want to?"

She huffs "Because I love the idea of having a baby shower, I've always wanted it and I don't see why I can't"

He turns to me "Why do you disagree?"
I take a deep breath "Well first of all, I didn't have one. Secondly, is she trying to announce to the world that she's having a child she's not the first to birth twins and thirdly, I see enough of their family drama"

He nods.
"We all have family drama and in this out home, if we don't express our family drama here then where else?"

I roll my eyes, I know he made a point but it's not like I'm just going to agree with him.

"Secondly—" he clasps my hand in his "You were the one who disagreed with having a baby shower, Safina tried to get you into it but you disagreed".

"But I thought you wouldn't like it"
He shakes his head "I wouldn't mind it as long as it would make you happy and you should have known that so I can't deny her of something she wants because you failed to ask me, I'm sorry"

I nod "I see your point" he turns to Khairat "As for boundaries of your shower you two can discuss it" he stands "I'm going to go check on my baby girl".

He walks away leaving us glaring at each other.


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