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Khairat is not as bad as I thought.
Yesterday she, Safina and I went to check out her translated movie, it was refreshing to watch honestly.

Abdul traveled with some of his friends to his friend's wedding so we're all alone. But he made sure to invite Muktar. Khameelah is here as well because Ya Muhammed went to the wedding as well.

We all sit in the living room, watching and chatting. Khameelah already retired to bed.
"No it's because you're not a serious person" Safina admits to Muktar.

They're age mates and Khairat is a year older than they are.
"What do you mean I'm not serious? I do want to get married"

She rolls her eyes "By having sex with everything in a skirt?"
He just looks at her "You're hurting my feelings, just the ones who have something to show".

"This is exactly what I mean. Your oldest brother is married, you second brother is married with a child on the way and here you are at the age of 28 still playing around".

He shakes his head "It's a choice, I'll get married when it's my time to"

Khairat and I just look at each other then back at them.
"Will you two please stop bickering?" She asks.

He smiles "If you say so"
I roll my eyes.

"Just go and sleep, all we wanted to do was peacefully watch Me Before You and shed a few tears but here you are" Safina says.

"Fine I'll leave" he stands.
"Thanks" we all chorus.

"I'm deeply hurt, even my sister"
I continue what I was doing, not acknowledging a thing a he said.


"She's finally asleep" Safina says when she comes in.

I nod "Finally"
She lies down on the bed next to me as I go through some furniture on my laptop.

Then something clicked.
"Yes?" She asks still staring at the ceiling.

"Have you ever been to Khairat's place?"
"Place?" She asks sitting up.

"Her side of the house, I just realized I've never been"

She nods "I know, wait!"
"What?" I asked startled.

"You never noticed? I thought that was why you never went either"
"Noticed what?"

"Khairat has OCD"
I raise my eyebrows "What are you talking about? She doesn't".

She nods "She does, you've never noticed? She always cleans after people, she cleans after you too. When you keep your plate beside you when you're done eating and all that. She also bought you coasters after she saw those stains on your stool"

I gasp "I never noticed"
She shakes her head "Hamma didn't notice it until after I met her, I was the one who told him"

"For real?"
She nods.

"I want to see for myself"
"Okay let's go".


She opens the door looking at us confusedly.
"Why are you still there? Won't you come in?"

We smile walking in.
Her living room looked spotless.

Everything is either white or light grey from the couch, arm chair, dinning chairs, curtains, throw pillows, carpets, tv stand, it was all white and bright.

We sit on the couch.
I've never been so conscious of anything I do like I am right now.
How does she handle it all?

She comes in and lies down on the couch.
"Is something wrong? You look uncomfortable". She says looking at me.

I turn to Safina who was also comfortably lying down on the couch.
"No, nothing it's just—nothing"

She looks unsure but nods anyway.
"We just haven't seen you all day" Safina says sitting up "You good?"

She shakes her head "Not really, I'm feeling a bit uneasy"
She starts looking around "Iqram, where is Lina?"

"Oh she's asleep"
She looks at me, shocked "You left your baby?"

"Now that you say it, it sounds dumb. I'll go get her" I run out.


Khairat's POV.

Ramla and Rabi hug me tightly.
"I can't believe I'm becoming an aunt and Khalid (her son) is going to have a little nephew" Rabi says.

I smile widely.
Yes it's as you heard.
I'm pregnant.

I just came from the hospital and I couldn't wait to share the good news. Abdul is coming back next week so until he does it's staying between us.

"Move" Ma tells Ramla, she quickly moves pouting.
"Finally, this is great news. May Allah protect you both".

"Amin" we all chorused.
She looks at me nervously "How's everything with that first wife of his?"

"Ma, she's okay. We've been getting along, she's a nice person"
"Hmm" my mother and older sister chorus.

They're exactly alike, that's why they're always fighting. They both don't trust people easily and have problems accepting facts.

"She's spoilt" Rabi says.
I laugh "What does that have to do with anything? As long as she doesn't bring any drama in my life we're all cool".

My mother shakes her head "You know the saying What an elder sees sitting, a child will not see standing?" She asks.

A proverb she uses a lot so I know it a little too well.
I nod "You've explained it a few times"

"What do you think her reaction will be when she finds out you're pregnant? For now she feels she has accepted you as a co-wife and as long as you don't try to overshadow her you two are cool. She also feels she's the mother of his first child, his only child, his parent's first grandchild so she feels she has more power than you do but when she realizes you're also going to have a child, it's not going to be the same anymore. The reality that you're equals will hit her harder than you can imagine"

"But Ma—"
She frowns, sadly "I'm talking based on experience and I even had two children before your mother had you. But after she died I regretted it, I felt I took life too serious when it could end in a second and she was always so nice to me. Look at the circumstance that made me come back to my senses, it's not the same"

She was making a point and I really do hope Iqram accepts this, not for me but for her because that won't change anything for me. I won't sacrifice my happiness for her, I'll love my child with my husband next to me.


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