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Kareema got married last month and we've lost contact since then.
Her mother called Ummu Salma and I, she gave us the address saying that she needs friends to confide and cry to.

Obviously the wedding isn't going as well as she hoped but we all saw it coming. We didn't mention it to any of the other girls because her mother begged us not to.

The door opens and we all gawk at her.
She looked skinny and exhausted, she had deep eye bags infact she looked like she can barely stand on her own. I know, I'm exaggerating but this isn't the Kareema we knew.

She looked terrified "What are you two doing here?"
We were in awe, no words escaped our lips.

"Mama right?"
We both nod.
She huffs "Just come in".

She took us straight to her room and closes the door. As usual the room looked spotless.

"What's going on with you?" Ummu Salma asks getting straight to the point.

She stays quiet so I decide to speak up. "What happened? No wedding and nothing from you after getting married".

She huffs, her eyes were teary.
"There was no wedding because his family thought there was nothing to celebrate. Most people in our family hate me now so apart from my father in law who had my back, I barely got any support from my parents because till we got married they tried to dissuade me"

"Why didn't you tell us?"
She shakes her head "So I wouldn't hear 'I told you so' from all of you. I know I made a mistake, people tell me I should have listened but I wouldn't be able to handle it if you all did too, especially Ruth. You know she doesn't care about feelings and tells you things how they are and you don't always need that" she huffs "Sorry, I should at least get you something to take before we continue talking".

She walks out leaving the door open.

"Don't touch me!" We hear a man's voice.
We were both startled.

"Don't act like you know me! Live your life and let me live mine!"
We hear a loud cry, it sounded like Kareema so we hurried downstairs.

We found them in the kitchen, she was on the floor crying while he was drinking water across from her.
We stand by the door "Are you okay?"

He looks at us.
"Kabir?" Ummu Salma calls out in a low tone.

He smirks "I didn't know my wife had friends over" he turns to Kareema "Is that why you shouted and dramatically fell? So they could hear?"

He huffs "Well it's not the first time but to break it to you, all I did was tell my wife I'm not going to be home and of course she reacted that way. She's annoyingly dramatic so now that I've told you gossip about it all you want" he walks out.

She looks at us "I just wanted him to stay".


Abdulrazaq's POV.

I heard about Khairat and Kaka going to my house, I know it's not her fault but she and Iqram both misunderstood themselves.

We sat outside in the gazebo.
"So you're saying she was being nice because she thought I was the woman who was supposed to help her that day?"

I nod.
"Make sense, she was too accepting".

She looks at me "So you didn't tell her?"
I stay quiet.
I don't know how to tell her.

"I know, I'm a coward"
She shakes her head "No actually, it makes sense. You love her that's all. If you found it easy to tell her I'd worry if I were her".

I stare at her.
I never actually stopped liking this girl, I just took the rejection hard.

"Why did you reject me?"
She raises her eyebrows "Reject you?"
"Yeah, our relationship".

She scoffs, laughing so hard "Last time I checked you broke up with me and married someone else".
I shake my head "You didn't object to it".

"I know you Abdul, we were friends 2years before we dated. I've known you for 8years and I know when you like someone nothing can change your mind and you give it your all. You told me that you met another girl you've been seeing and it's getting serious, I know where you were getting at and I took the hint".

I shake my head "I told you because I felt guilty I was dating someone behind your back".

She laughs "Dating? You already saw her parents".

I stay quiet.
"You didn't try to change my mind or talk about us or anything, you left and asked that I don't talk to you".

"You're marrying someone else, what am I supposed to do? Date a married man?"

I turn my head away.
I feel like a terrible person, I broke her heart and I'm going to break my wife's too but if I'm marrying her anyway I want to make things right.

"Okay, I'm sorry for being selfish but I really want this to work".
She smiles "We have to".


Iqram's POV.

"I just put her to bed" Abdul says when he comes in, closing the door behind him.

I was folding Lina's clothes.
He sits on the bed.
"So I was thinking of going to see my grandmother in Gombe, I know Lina is still so young but she's sick and everyone is going as well except Ya Nazeer because Yusrah doesn't want him to but I really do want to go".

He says nothing.
"If you want to think about it, it's fine but I want to go see her too" I add.

When he says nothing I turn around and look at him.
He looked zoned out.

He was still zoned out.

I walk over and sit next to him, tapping him gently.

He looks at me "What?" He looked so lost.
"What's up? You've been quiet and behaving oddly".

He huffs "I have to talk to you about something".
I didn't know what and I couldn't imagine what it could be but hearing him say that made my heart skip a beat.

"What is it?"
He takes a deep breath "Promise me you won't over react"

I shake my head "I can't, you're scaring me".
"No, it's just that—just please promise".

I nod "I promise"

He takes a minute to prepare himself before releasing a heavy breath "I'm getting married".

My mouth drops.


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