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Abdulrazaq's POV.

Safina asked to see me and I came as soon as possible. My sister never calls for me so when she did it seemed like I had to.

Turns out an old friend of mine came into town. Apparently he's related to her husband so when she saw him she hurriedly called me.

Just to let you know this friend of mine is 43years of age, he's like a mentor and you'll eventually know how we met.

I sit across him still in awe.
"You look like you haven't spent a second in the sun".

He smiles "You don't look so shabby yourself".
I laugh "I try".

He nods "So how has it been? Your sister told me you're married with a child".

The thing with having a friend much older is that they bestow wisdom on you without trying to make you feel like a child or younger. They don't judge you because they don't try to see you as this younger man but as an equal even though more than anything the age gap is there but there's also a lot of respect.

"Yes, I do. How is the wife and children?"
"All okay, my first will soon graduate from secondary school".

"She's grown, the last time we talked she was in primary school but that's good. I can't believe we lost touch".
He nods smiling "Yes, the world has a way of swallowing you up, doesn't it?"

I huff "yes".
He nods.

"So how are you related to Sadiq?" I ask the obvious question.
He smiles "Oh, his mother is my older sister".

"What a small world"
He looks at me sadly "I didn't know Safina married him, she looks happy".

This wasn't a conversation I was going to have when I'm in my sister's house because his reaction obviously meant he knows what's going on.

He smiles "Sometimes things like this take time and other people have worse problems".

I huff.
Thinking about this issue always gets me so sad. That my baby sister is going through it and there's nothing I can do.

"Why don't you take her for a test?"
I shake my head "They've already taken multiple tests".

"No, you as her older brother"
I stare at him, he's trying to make a point "But seeing her go through it all over again—I don't think I can and I doubt she'd agree".

"What if the outcome this time is different and she's your sister, you'll find a way to convince her. Go for one last test".

I just stare at him.
"Mallam Musa, you know it's difficult to disagree with you" I joke.

He just laughs.


I meet Muhsin in the gazebo.
I lock my car and walk over to meet him.

"What a surprise, when did you get back?" I ask.
He smiles "Yesterday evening" he replied as we shook hands.

I sit across him "How's the wife and family?" He asks smiling from ear to ear.
"They're all okay Alhamdulillah but what's with the smile?"

"Well, I'm getting remarried"
"Oh God, brother congratulations, finally". I say excitedly.

He nods "I've been single for too long"
But something came to mind "What about Sakinah?" I ask curiously.

He smiles "Finally she won't have to deal with Fayan and I, she'll be back home with our mother".

I stare at him "Why?"
"That's what she wanted, she didn't want to leave our mother".

"And it has been 2years and a few months since that happened, brother a piece of advice, don't do that to someone who literally raised your son, don't do that to your sister. Have you realized that her life has been on a standstill since she started helping you out. Sakinah is more like a wife than Iqram at this point. She does all the shopping whether food, equipment, furniture in your house, she works too, does school duty. The girl is too tied up to even have a relationship and for you to just send her back like those years didn't matter especially for a girl her age?"

He looks at me in realization "You make a point" a frown sets on his face "But what do I do?"
"Sit and talk to her, ask her what she wants and if you can then an arranged marriage doesn't seem so bad".

He smiles "She never minded that"
I nod.

Do I talk too much?
Saying all this shouldn't be weird, shouldn't he suspect something but I can't let him do that to her because of fear.

He smiles "I'll do something about it".


Safina's POV.

I stood there waiting for him to respond while he was ironing his shirt.

But he's still quiet after a while.
"Sadiq? Why aren't you answering me?"

He rolls his eyes "Safina what do you want me to say? Huh? Beg for forgiveness?"
I shake my head "At least look remorseful".

He scoffs "Come on, this isn't our first rodeo"
I could feel my eyes tear up "Is it because I can't give you kids? Because she can?"

He huffs "Don't get emotional, don't try to guilt trip me but if you want an answer then yes, maybe".

Sometimes Sadiq gets this way.
He gets really cruel and hurts my feelings, he says he doesn't hold me responsible for our childlessness but whenever I confront him about something he brings it up or when I do he doesn't deny it.

I don't blame him, we used to talk about having kids and what we'd name them when we were still dating but then this happened, I know it's the will of God and so I pray and fast as much as my body can handle but it's still a painful feeling, I can't deny it.

"So you regret marrying me?"
I was dreading his answer but when he's angry he's always brutally honest.

He raises his head and looks at me "It's because I love you that I'm still here, do you think someone else would stay when his wife is barren? My family has accepted you as you are so what do you need to complain about?"

I shake my head, crying profusely "How in hell have your sisters accepted me? How?! Calling me barren and ignoring me during family events, gossiping behind my back and trying to make me feel inferior, does that sound like acceptance to you?"

He shakes his head "That sounds like a woman who is barely keeping her marriage, will you divorce me?"

He stands.
"Safina don't bore me, please".
He walks out.

I lean on the wall crying.
Maybe seeing the doctor with Ya Abdul would be better, I can't give up now.


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