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I've been off my game all day and thank God everyone at work today is too busy to notice.

I saw Abdul taking some drugs yesterday and I don't know why I have a bad feeling about it.

It was in an odd container and it's the first time I've seen him take it, it didn't seem like he got it in a hospital plus which hospital makes you take more than 5 pills at once.

He thought I was sleeping last night and took them, the fact that he was behaving mischievously means he doesn't want me to find out.

I know I've experienced first hand what will happen when I get him angry but I can't help it.
Zarah taps me "Can you please focus?"
I smile "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind"

"Your maternity leave?" She giggles.
I shake my head "I'm just 6weeks pregnant, there's still time until then"

She came to my office to discuss color and textures but honestly I'm not in my zone at the moment so I don't know if choosing something that delicate will be advisable in my state.

She gets serious "But really, what's going on?"
I smile "Nothing, just mood swings"

She clasps her hands "It's hormones. I can't wait to get pregnant too".

"Then hurry and get married"
She rolls her eyes jokingly "Wareva"


I sit across my mother who still looked pissed.
"I can't believe this"

Ya Muhammed and I sat side by side just watching her not really surprised.
Apparently my brother's wife to be said she wants us to cancel our event and my brother stupidly confronted my mother about it.

My dad walks in and sits next to her, quietly.
"How can he do this to me? He's not even married to her yet and she's already playing him like a puppet! I didn't raise him so another woman can control him!" She starts pacing around.

For my brother and I, Ya Nazeer's behavior is nothing new to us. The girl once convinced him to let me rot at work so he can drop her sister off at a friend's place, I can't say I didn't see this coming.

"Why aren't you two saying anything?! Did you know?!"

We nod "We tried telling you but you never listened"
Ya Muhammed says.

"What?" She says sitting as tears well up in her eyes "I can't lose my son"
I walk over and sit next to her "You won't lose him".

"Can you two give us a moment, you should go eat. Our grandchild needs to be fed too"

I smile "Okay Abba"
We both walk out.

Ya Muhammed and I sit outside in the gazebo.
"So I'm really going to become an uncle, I feel so lucky"

I smile "And inshallah by this time next year you're preparing to be a father"
He smiles "I want to see that day badly"

I nod "We all do"
"Except me" Muktar says joining in on the conversation.

"Where have you been?" Ya Muhammad asks.
"I helped solve our darling mother's problem. Another girl can't suddenly come in our home and hurt our mother, who the hell does she think she is?"

We both look at him confused "What did you do?"
"I confronted my soon to be sister in law"

We both looked utterly and hopelessly confused "How?" I ask.
"It's going to backfire" Ya Muhammad says.

He shakes his head "I swear it won't" He says confidently and honestly I couldn't help but believe it, they met through him anyway.


"And who was that?" Sumayyah asks when we enter my bedroom and close the door.

"Where?" She asks with a flirtatious smile.
I roll my eyes "It's my husband's friend and you're married"

She rolls her eyes "That wasn't what I asked"
"That's what you get".

"That's enough eye rolling for the week" Kareema comments.
Sumayyah and I both roll our eyes.

She hisses "I'm not letting you two frustrate me, I'm in a great mood"
"Ah" was all I say.

Even after all the advice my dear friend Kareema is still going ahead with marrying her cousin. Honestly I've never met anyone who holds as much grudges as he does. I feel bad for her really, I really do.

"So? You're still going ahead with that?" Sumayyah asks worriedly.
She huffs "Yes and no one is going to make me change my mind. I'm what's good for him, he just hasn't realize it yet".

"Ah" I say.
"Believe me I know what I'm doing and I know he cares, love grows".

"A love like that? He hates you"
She looks at us hurt "Just let me be, okay? I know what I'm doing"

"Oh God! Enough with the Ah!!" Sumayyah shouts, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, fine. We'll let you be but we're just doing this because we care about you".
"I know and I'm not complaining but I know what I'm doing"

I nod "If you say so".


I couldn't help it, I get so curious and it always gets me so desperate to figure things out.
I got back from work a few minutes back and now I'm rummaging through my husband's drawers to find those drugs he took.

But I don't find it in any of them.
I huff frustratedly.
I have to hurry and put everything back in it's place and rearrange the everything before he gets back and finds me going through his things, it won't be funny if he does.

Just as I was about to give up my eyes spot something behind his nightstand, a bag was hidden.

I walk over and pull it out.
Opening it I find over 10 white bottles, all filled with a green pill. It didn't seem normal to me, it didn't have any pharmaceutical stickers on it which made it suspicious.

"What are you doing?"
I drop the bag, frightened when I hear his voice behind me.

I turn around and see him looking at me blankly.
Subconsciously I was already trembling "Are you snooping through my things?"
I wanted to deny it, come up with an excuse but I had to confront him. I can't fear my husband and I'm worried about him.

"What are these drugs for?"
He smiles with obvious annoyance evident on his face "I didn't think you'd ask me that, I was expecting an excuse"

I cross my arms "Abdulrazaq, answer me. What are these drugs for?"
"So you were snooping?"

I nod "So? I have every right to. Are you taking drugs? Is that why you've been so out of control?"
"Are you stupid? What do they look like to you? Or are you just a plain idiot?"

I stare at him "Don't talk to me like that!"
He stares at me disbelievingly before he starts walking towards me, menacingly.

I immediately regret opening my stupid mouth.


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