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I shake my legs nervously.
I haven't been able to think clearly since my grandmother decided to ruin my life.

It's been a week and I knew my parents were just giving me time but we'd have to discuss it so I decided to come see them first.

Safina kept insisting she wanted to be present but my sister worries a lot and the last thing I want is adding my problems to hers.

"How is Iqram?" Ammi asks trying to make everything seem normal.
"She's okay, she's due next week".

She smiles "My first grandchild"
"Ammi I hope you didn't say that infront of my sister".

She rolls her eyes smiling "She's my daughter too and you know I'd never say anything like that infront of her but I also can't hide my excitement".
"You don't have to but please don't say anything that would hurt her".

She smiles wider "I'm glad you two have each other".
"I am too".

Baba comes in a few moments later and sits next to his wife.
"How are you doing? And the wife?"

"We're both okay, she sends her regards. She wanted to come as well but I discouraged it".

He smiles "Yes, she should be resting. I hear she's almost due"
I nod "Next week".

"Then she needs as much rest as possible".
I nod "I agree".

"So for the matter at hand—"
"Yes. Am I really getting married to Khairat?"

He nods "You need to"
"Need? I just got married 11months back, my wife is currently pregnant and almost due not to mention that I'm happy in my marriage then why should I marry another woman? It will break Iqram and she doesn't deserve it. I don't want to be the bad guy".

He shakes his head "You're only thinking about Iqram".
"Because she's my wife Baba and I love her".

"What about Khairat? You loved her as well, you made promises and you made her send all her suitors away with those same promises. That girl is still at home because of you and you think God will reward you for that?"

I stay quiet.
"You know I sided you when you said you wanted to marry Iqram, I didn't ask any questions and fulfilled your wishes but Kaka has a point, you can't hurt someone and think everything is going to go perfectly well for you. This girl gave up everything for you and you left her for someone else. You don't know what she went through while you were happy with your wife".

I nod.
He made a valid point. Till date I don't know what made me forget about my feelings so soon.

"Plus" Ammi speaks up "It's your grandmother's last wish to your father so you know what that means. She's a good girl and she comes from a good home too not to mention the fact that she knows and accepts you with your condition".

That was a valid point too.
"Nobody is telling you to love one more than the other because your religion discourages that too but just be fair. Would you want someone to do the same to your child?"

I shake my head.
"So please—" her voice was already shaking. It must not be easy on her too.

"Okay, if that's your wish I'll do as you say"
She smiles, sadly.

"You should go see Mallam Musa".
"Can we leave everything until after Iqram is back home?"

They nod.
"But I'll go see Khairat on Friday".

They nod.


Iqram's POV.

Ya Muhammed and his wife came to visit.
I was supposed to be the one to visit but he insisted on seeing me instead.

She's pretty and nice but I can't help but feel jealous, I'm still his baby sister.
Don't judge me, when you've been their number one all your life the feeling of being replaced is scary.

"So when are you due?" She asks with the widest smile.
"Next week".

I left my brother and husband to discuss some things while we get to know each other more.
"How has marriage been treating you?"

She giggles.
She's kind of chubby, light skinned, short and really shy but she's sweet.

"It's been good"
I just smile "You seem to be enjoying yourself, you're getting chubbier"

"He says he likes it"
He really does like it.

We spoke for hours before he called her.
We walk inside the living room.
Everything seemed tensed.
Ya Muhammed looked really sad and bothered.

Abdul had his face buried in his hands. Both men look terrible.
"Everything okay?" Khameelah asks worriedly.

Abdul raises his head and smiles "You're down already?"
Ya Muhammed was still zoned out.

I walk over and sit next to him "Yaya?"
He looks at me "Huh?"

"Are you okay?"
He holds my hand "We will be".

I stare at him.
He looks over at his wife "It's getting late babe and it's going to be time for Iftar really soon".

She nods.
"I'll escort you out"
He shakes his head "Nope, you sit and rest. You don't need to".

Abdul walks over "I'll escort them out".
I nod.

I know both men would never let me leave the house.
"Okay, take care of yourselves".


Abdulrazaq's POV.

Sakinah smiles.
"You asked to see me out of the blue, I can't deny that it made my year".

I smile awkwardly.

She nods.
"What do you want to order?"

She shakes her head "I ate a lot at home".
"Why? Before I told you we were going out?"

She shakes her head "A friend told me to eat a lot before every date so I don't feel tempted to eat when I'm on the date, guys like girls who don't eat much".

I chuckle "That's new"
I feel terrible now more than ever.

Terrible I was seeing another woman when my wife is pregnant.
Terrible I left my girlfriend of six years.
Terrible I have to marry another woman when my wife would have just given birth.
Terrible I'm wasting this girl's time.

I'm a terrible person and I know it, I know I am. I feel guilty but then repeat the same mistakes. I'm that scum women talk about and I know it.

I don't deserve these women. None of them deserve any of it, their only crime was loving a scum but I get scared, I don't want them to leave me. My condition makes relationships worse than they should be.

"Are you okay?"
I frown "I called to tell you about something".

"I was dating another woman when I met Iqram",

She nods "She told me"
"She did? Well the girl still isn't married, she always thought I'd be her forever".

"But you weren't destined to be".
"No, we are just not as my first wife".

She stares at me "What's that supposed to mean?"
"My grandmother wants me to marry her"

"And I cannot continue to lead you on, you deserve more than being the third so I think it's better we break up".

Well I had all this planned out but I think it will hurt her more.
"I don't think I can continue seeing you behind my wife's back, it's not right. You're her friend".

She raises her eyebrows "She said that didn't matter, that she ended up with you even though you were dating someone else".

"And I'm marrying that someone else soon, my grandmother has made the decision and I can't go against her".

"So karma?"
Her demeanor changing completely "It's okay, I knew there was possibility you'd do this. The guilt was already getting to me and at least this way things don't have to end horribly".

I nod "They don't"


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