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She looks just like her.

I smile at my baby girl.
I turn to Iqram was was still sleeping peacefully.

She went through a lot.
Aisha Abdulrazaq Bawa, my baby girl.

I felt a thousand emotions just watching her.
She's become my world and my everything.

The door opens and Safina walks in beaming with smiles.
"Is that our Lina?" She asks.

Lina is her nickname, since Aisha is my mother and her maternal mother's name.
She walks over and collects her "She's so beautiful Hamma (Older brother)"

I smile watching them.
A few seconds later my mother comes in hurriedly.

She walks over smiling from ear to ear.
In this room right now are the most important women in my life.

I walk over to Iqram when I see her moving.
"Hey babe" I say as I sit next to her.

"Have you seen—seen our Lina?" She asks exhaustedly.

I nod "She looks just like you, Mami and Abba will be here any moment I—" I get cut off when the door opens.

Her parents, Muhammed and Muktar walk in.
They all gather around the baby.
Safina walks over "How's my sister feeling?"

"Sore" she laughs tiredly.
"I'm sure, she's heavy".

"That's how my Abdul was too" my mother says handing the baby to Mami.
Iqram glared at me "So it's all you".

I wanted to give her a kiss but there are just too many people.
"I'm sorry babe".

She chuckles "I'm glad she takes after you, her smart father".
"Stop saying disgusting things when you just woke up"Muktar says.

"Let her be" Safina complains.
"I can say whatever I want" he answers back.

"Safina, Muktar please let the girl rest"Ammi says.


Iqram has been in her parent's house since she got discharged. Her mother suggested it and I agreed.

She'll be in better hands and will be back in two days. She's been there for 2weeks now. I go to see her and my Aishatu everyday.

It feels so surreal, being a father.
It's a great feeling, it really is.

"So? When is your wedding date?"
I turn around and glare at Muzammil "My wife just gave birth, can we not talk about that?"

He scoffs "You mean the inevitable? Now that she's not home shouldn't you figure out a way to tell her about it?"

I huff.
I got bored being home alone so I decided to come hang out at his place.
"I don't want to think about it"

"You should, bro whether you like it or not this marriage is happening so you should figure things out now. Her family knows and so does yours, she's the only one left in the dark".

"It's going to hurt her feelings".
He shakes his head "Are you planning to keep it from her forever?"

I stare at him.
"You should tell her while she's still at her parent's place. It gives her time to get closure".

"Brother I don't know, she doesn't deserve it".
"But it's not your choice right now, it's happening and that's that if you're not cancelling the wedding then moping around isn't for you".

I nod.
He makes a valid point.


It's already 11:23pm.
Iqram is still at her parents place, they let her stay in the BQ so I could stay with her but I declined because it'll be uncomfortable for both parties.

The fortunate part is that she's still there.
The gateman let me in without a second glance.

I tiptoe to the side of the house where the BQ is located wearing my three quarter and navy blue shirt.

The plan is to sneak in and spend the night, escape before anyone sees me in the morning.

I enter the small apartment, I keep my slippers when I enter the living room and slowly open the bedroom.

The room was dark, the only light illuminating from the partially open bathroom door.
My baby girl is still in the crib sleeping peacefully.

I was about to lie down on the bed when I hear splashes of water coming from the bathroom.
I enter and see her taking a bath.

She flips around alarmed but smiles when she sees me, it disappears as soon as it appears as she quickly runs out of the shower and pulls me in, closing the door behind me.

"What?" I ask.
She smiles "What are you doing here? Mami is sleeping in the room".

I gawk at her.
"Shhh" she uses her hand to cover my mouth.

"She's sleeping on the bed?" I ask for clarification.
She nods.

"I was going to lie down on that bed when I heard the splashes from the bathroom".
She giggles "It would have been memorable".

I roll my eyes before finally realizing my wife was naked.
"I like what I see"

She rolls her eyes "With this excess fat? I don't think so".
"I love it on you".

She blushes "I'll convince her to go back into the house"
"Will she?"

She nods "Trust me"
She pulls the towel from the rail.
"Do you really have to cover up?"

She just stares at me.
"Fine" I say with a frown.
"Just stay here, quietly".

I nod.
She walks out.


"Iqram what is it?"
"I can stay here with Lina, you can go back in".

"No it's fine"
"Abba must be waiting for you".

"No he's not, Iqram just sleep".
She huffs "Abdulrazaq says he's coming over".

"What?" She asks her voice sounding clear.
"Yes, apparently he misses us".

"I thought he didn't want to stay here?"
"Nhmmn but you aren't supposed to know he's coming over so even when he does can you pretend you don't know?"

"Fine but tell him you need your rest".
Seconds later I hear the bedroom door close.

I peep out of the bathroom to make sure my mother-in-law was out of the room before walking out.

"That was close".
She huffs "Please tell me you're just here to spend quality time?"

I nod.
"Great" she says happily.


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