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I'm just a few weeks away from my due date and I honestly can't wait.
The fatigue and cravings have been insane.

I've gotten really chubby, it's always either I'm eating, sleeping, lying down or watching. My husband doesn't make it any easier because he's always buying the food even before I ask for it.

He says he doesn't care about the weight, he just wants to feed his baby but I'm the one that will suffer with the weight post-partum.

The only thing is in the evenings he pulls me out and we walk for a while around the house.

He links his arms with mine "How're you feeling now?"
I smile "Better, thanks to you"

He smiles.
Can I just say that I'm hooked, if you've gotten this far and haven't figured this out then I should tell you that I am.

I love this man so much and at first our marriage took a drastic turn but things have been better, we've been understanding and supportive of each other.

He makes time for me and never complains even when I can be a lot to handle. I lash out sometimes over the most trivial things but I'm sure he knows it's just hormones.

I'm weak around this man, I love him more than life itself and I'm not sure he knows it, In fact I'm not sure I want him to know that.

"Something seems to be on your mind" he says with that gorgeous smile still on his face.

"Well, I've been thinking about how lucky I am. Lucky to have you, be your wife and being pregnant with your child".
He chuckles "Babe you say the most random things".

"Well it's true".
He nods "You're my world" he rests his hand on my bump "You and this little me here".

"Little you?"
"Yeah. I have a feeling this baby will look like me. Since you don't want to know the gender of the baby I'll just keep thinking it's a girl".
I giggle "I want her to look like you, be a daddy's girl".

He laughs "Daddy? Saying that in this age and time feels odd"
"People have ruined the whole concept".

He gives me a light kiss "You're panting, you want to go back in?"
I nod smiling "Please".


Abdulrazaq's POV.

So our paternal grandmother asked to see us all.
My parents, Sabrina and I.

I was busy at work when I got the call from Baba so I had to leave what I was doing, Safina asked me to pick her up on the way.

"Do you know what it's about?" She asks fixing her veil.
"I don't"

"Do you think it's because she feels she's leaving?"
"You mean she might die?"

She shakes her head "I was trying to avoid saying that"
"But that's what you meant?"

She smiles and nods then she frowns "It's not like I'm happy about it"
"But you hate her. She's a very difficult woman to deal with".

She's a woman who barely has any affection. She says and does things to intentionally hurt us because we're our mother's children. She wanted our father to marry her niece but he disagreed.

I park the car and take a deep breath.
"She's been in this hospital long enough"
I nod "It's going to be 2years in 4months".

"Shall we?" I ask her.
She nods smiling.

We start making our way inside the hospital.
"So how's Sadiq?"
She suddenly frowns "His relationship with his mother is getting worse but she won't tell me what it is".

I shake my head "I just don't want you getting in the middle of all of it. You know how their father is".

I was always picky about the men my sister dated but out of them all Sadiq was the one I could see my sister getting married to although it wasn't my choice either.

"He's been talking about seeing you".
"Maybe he should".

We get to room 205 with her name plastered on it.
"Here we go".

She's just been whispering to herself for the past 10mins before she finally turned and looked at me.

"Na'am (Yes?)"

"How's Khairat?"
I stay quiet.
Khairat and I broke up a year ago, a week before I made my intentions known to Iqram's parents.

"I haven't spoken to her for over a year"
"Hmm" she takes a while trying to catch her breath "What you did to her wasn't right"

I couldn't say anything.
I knew I hurt her and I know I don't deserve her forgiveness.

My parents and Safina looked at me guiltily.
"Do you know she's still not married yet?"

I say nothing.
She and I met through this woman on the bed. Her grandmother and mine were like sisters, we met at her aunt's wedding.

"I didn't know"
I did feel guilty, she was always there for me but the moment I met Iqram I couldn't think about anyone else. Ammi told me that it's because I was destined to be married to Iqram and not her but I still felt guilty, after a while I decided maybe Ammi was right.

"Okay, that's why you're going to marry her"

We were all shocked.
"I can't, I won't".

She looks at me "Why not?"
"I love my wife and she's pregnant".

"It's not a choice"
"I don't think that's a good idea" Baba says finally speaking.

She turns and looks at him "I told you not to marry their mother but you didn't listen, I let you be but I don't want my grandson paying the price for what he's making that girl go through. This is my last wish as your mother and I won't forgive you if you don't fulfill it".

We all just stay quiet.
"But—" my dad starts off but her cough cuts him off.

Then there was silence again.
"That's that".

I can't, not now, not ever.
"Excuse me" I walk out.

I could hear Safina following behind closely.


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