Then in the background you hear crying.

(Y/n): Draken, what happened?

Emma's Phone: Mikey messed up big time. Emma needs you.

(Y/n): Okay, I'll be on my way!

You end the call and get up quickly.

"Is something wrong?" Takado ask you.

"Uhh there might be. I don't know the reason except that Mikey messed up somehow."

"I'll go with you, just in case." Takado says as he helps you clean up the dishes.

"We got free time." Ran joins himself and his brother. "I wanna see how the great Mikey messed up." After quickly cleaning up, you head for the hospital.


You're right outside Emma's room when you hear Draken comforting Emma.

"I'm here." You announced yourself. You and the rest walked in.

"(Y/n)..." Emma calls your name and begins to cry. You go and hug her.

"Draken, what's going on?" He hands you a letter.

"Read it." You take it with your free hand and and read it.


I'm sure you're going to hate me by the time you finish reading this. I've thought about this decision a lot and I came to a solution.
I can't be with you anymore. I can't bare the thought that something might happen to you someday in the future if I'm by your side. People close to me have gotten hurt including you and (Y/n). You could've possibly die and it all happened because you're my sister. It's not your fault, it's mine for being in a gang and others targeting me through you.
It may be selfish, but I'm doing it to protect you. I'm also cutting contact with the others for the sake of their futures. With Grandpa gone, you'll be alone and might not be able pay for bills so I'm leaving this letter to you and (Y/n).
(Y/n), if you're reading this, you might hate me even more for abandoning my sister. But please, take her with you and watch over her. I know Draken can't take her due to where he lives so I'm begging you through this letter. Take care of Emma for me.

~Goodbye Emma.....Goodbye (Y/n)

You crumble the letter when you finish and hug Emma as she clings to you. Ran picks up the letter and Takado and Rindou get closer to read the contents of the letter.

"Ran. Rin. Don't say anything unnecessary." They kept their mouth shut, knowing what they were gonna say might've upset Emma more.

"Please (Y/n)." Draken bows to you. "Please take in Emma. She'll be safe with you."

You of course would love to take in Emma, but you recently just moved in with your new dad and brothers. You feel Emma pull back a bit and bow to Takado.

"Please Don't feel burdened. You don't have to listen to what Mikey said. I'll fine my own way somehow."

"Emma! You don't hav-" Draken was cut off by Takado.

"I don't mind." All eyes went to him. "I got 3 troublesome kids. What's one more." He smiles at her. Emma stares at him and cries again. You and Emma hug each other in relief and Draken thanks Takado for taking her in.

After Emma was discharged from the hospital, you all welcomed her to her new home. Not having enough rooms, you let Emma share with you. That way you can help her when she needs it in her new life in a wheelchair. To your surprise, Ran and Rindou also took a liking to Emma and help her out, though they do tease her. Over time she gotten used to their behavior and doesn't take it to heart.

With Takado making you go back to school and your brothers trying to finish their general education and with Emma being smart in school, she became a tutor to all 3 of you.

Hanging with Emma constantly left you to take care of her and made you think about your future. You want to help her out more and after researching and talking with your dad, you decided that you want to be a nurse in the future.

Ran and Rindou still haven't thought what they want to do since they still, secretly, go beating up others since their delinquent behavior hasn't died down yet.

When Emma is out on dates with Draken, Haru also takes you out. Since you know he's loyal to Mikey and most likely still sees him, you asked if you can meet him.

"I don't think it's a good idea.." you didn't want to put Haru in a tough spot so you never ask about it again.

A few months pass. You had a short date with Haru since he said he had to go pick up Mucho. You kissed him goodbye and walk around.

"Is that (Y/n) I see?" You followed the voice to see Smiley and Angry together.

"Hey (Y/n)." Angry greets you.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?"

"We invited some former Toman members over for dinner. Wanna join?"

Before you answer, 2 figures come up behind you. "Yeah, we'll join you." It was Ran and Rindou.

"We invited (Y/n)." Smiley says, clearly having some bad history with each other.

"We're a package deal." Rin answers back as he throws his arm around your shoulders.

"Fine.. follow us." You three began following the twins.

"How'd you guys find me?" You ask Ran and Rindou.

"If we have free time and you're out on dates, we like to spy on you~" Ran says nonchalantly.


"That or some of our guys spots you and lets us know." Rindou chuckles. "They're protective of you as much as we are."

You sigh, knowing if you continue the conversation you'll be tired out.

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