May 10, 1994

102 5 16

( Apart of Yasmin Salvatore series):

A young girl who wanted to know her family was deeply excited to meet them but didn't want to express her excitement until she met them face to face.

Walking up the the door to the Salvatore house she knocked on the door waiting patiently for it to open and when it did a man with Raven hair and icy blue eyes dressed in all black with a leather jacket to complete his outfit looked at her with a annoyed looked on his face. "What do you want kid?" He asked looking at the girl sensing her fear but didn't really care he just wanted to get rid of her.

The girl swallowed her fear knowing her grandfather would be ashamed looking up into the man's eyes. "I'm looking for a Damon Salvatore my name is Yasmin Salvatore and Damon's my father." The girl said while the older Salvatore looking at the girl in shock not knowing what to say at the moment searching his brain for what to say until he found the right thing.

"Come in kid" Damon said moving out the way allowing the girl to walk inside looking around but was quickly caught off guard when she felt herself being pressed against the wall by a large hand pressed against her throat. "You have ten seconds before I end you to tell me who you really are and how you know the name of my daughter who died when she was a baby?!" Damon demanded in anger. "Please I'm telling you the truth I'm your daughter I have proof please believe me!" Yasmin said tears falling down her face wanting her father to believe her and not knowing what to say to make her believe her.

Damon was so angry he was seeing red but he let the girl go seeing she had to be at least fourteen years old and for some strange unknown reason he felt a pull to protect her but he pushed the feeling down and gave her his most dangerous death stare to show he was serious.

Yasmin reached into her bag and pulled out a necklace she had not knowing who or where she got it from all she knows is she had it all her life.

Once Damon saw the necklace he remembered he gave it to her all those years ago when she was a baby.

Before he could say anything Stefan walked to them from where he was along with Zach which caused all the emotion that Damon was feeling to quickly disappear and replaced with a stone cold emotionless look.

"Yasmin we spoke on the phone how are you doing?" Stefan asked looking at his niece happy that he could see her again hearing his brother and niece's conversation from the parlor. "I'm doing good" the girl spoke looking up at her Uncle with a small smile.

Damon disappeared tending to the guest they had over for the solar eclipse feeding off of Gale who was pregnant with his great nephew's child.

When Stefan found out he was furious cause he was just settling in and his brother had to come and ruin it so after he gave his niece a room that was next door to Damon's he went to deal with his brother.

After The younger Salvatore brother snapped Damon's neck he took his daylight ring and put him in the shed outside so he wouldn't hurt anyone else then he left to check on his niece who was in her room asleep hugging a white teddy bear in her arms with a small smile on her face which caused a smile to appear on Stefan's face.

Going over to his niece he kissed her head stroking her soft caramel colored cheek then went out of her room downstairs about to get a much needed drink of whiskey only to stopped by his great nephew.

"I thought you coming her was a good idea but it wasn't clearly cause Damon is here! How could he feed off my pregnant wife along with you bringing another vampire here to stay?" Zach asked in shock and anger looking at his great Uncle. "This is my home Zach I can come and go as I please and as for Damon and Yasmin my niece won't be a problem as for Damon he's in the shed without his daylight ring and everyone is safe" Stefan said looking at his nephew not noticing that outside it was getting darker cause of the eclipse and a whooshing noise that came from Damon re-entertaining the house until there was screaming.

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