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Anetti Penelope Salvatore daughter of Damon Salvatore, four years old and a daddy's girl, loves spending time with her Uncle and the Gang.

(On with the Story👇🏽):

Anetti had a good time with her Uncle Stefan, they went to the park and Elena's house then to the grill and lastly they were back in her Uncle's car on their way back home.

Anetti was looking through the window when a question came to mind.  "Uncle Steffi can we get a puppy?" the little girl asked looking at her Uncle who looked at his niece's grey eyes. "Thats something your gonna have to ask your dad" Stefan said while pulling up into the Salvatore house. "Then hurry I want to ask daddy now!" Anetti said seeing her daddy's car in the driveway and not seeing him all day she wanted to hurry and ask her question.

Getting the his niece out her car seat and out the car the little girl quickly ran to the front door almost tripping in excitement but was caught by her Uncle who gave her a scared/disapproving look. "Slow down Netti" Stefan said using one of her many nicknames.

Unlocking and Opening the door the little girl ran inside calling out to her father. "Uncle Steffi where's daddy?" the little girl asked sadly looking up at her uncle with big grey sad doe eyes. "Hold on baby let me call him" Stefan said sitting in the couch pulling his niece into his lap and pulled out his phone putting it on speaker but the older Salvatore's phone went straight to voicemail and he could hear it from upstairs amongst other things.

Looking at his niece Stefan decided why not go get his niece what she wanted say they left again going to the pet store.

(With Damon😏):

The older Salvatore was at home having sex and feeding on a women he met at the grill.

Hearing his phone ring but not caring to check who it was he was just glad to get his daughter and brother out the house so he could have time to himself.

meeting the lady in his bed who he found out her name was Aliza they hooked up and went to the Salvatore house where they ended up having sex on the couch then moved to Damon's room, compelling Aliza to not be afraid of him he then camped out and bit her hard on the neck listening closely to her heartbeat then he healed her giving her a little bit of his blood but not enough to turn her if she was to die which meant if she died then she'll stay dead not that the blue eyed vampire cared he just wanted the fresh blood and the sex.

After compelling the women to go home the older Salvatore took a shower for dressed in black jeans, black t-shirt, and leather boots then he went downstairs to get a drink pulling out his phone checking the time noting his brother and daughter should've been back by now but checking his text messages seeing a text from his brother telling him him and Anetti stepped out and where gonna be back in a hour.

Going into the kitchen the older Salvatore began to cook dinner for his daughter not knowing what to cook for a picky toddler he decided to make chicken nuggets and fries... after everything was finished that's when he heard the front door open and he heard his daughter walk in with someone or something.

Confused Damon walked to the living room seeing his brother in the couch and his daughter on the floor along with a happy blue eyed light brown puppy with black and white shading. "Daddy!!!" Anetti got up from her spot runny over to her father happily. "Baby!!!!" Damon said picking his daughter up with a fake/real (if that makes sense) smile on his face. "Daddy do you like spot Uncle Steffi got him for me!" the little girl explained to her father who listened patiently while sitting on the couch while placing his little one back on her feet watching her pick up her puppy forcefully handing the small creature into her father's arms thank God for his quick reflexes.

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