Olivia Salvatore

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From the moment little Olivia was born Damon Salvatore has been there, never leaving his little girl's side even though his life is full of danger the older Salvatore found time for his baby girl.

It was early in the morning when there was a knock on the front door of the Salvatore house, getting up from where he was sitting the blue eyed vampire walked up to the door and swung it open and came face to face with a coco skinned woman with curly hair and brown eyes and behind her was a Carmel skinned little girl with big brown eyes. 

Letting the two in Damon sat back down on the couch watching the two sit down.  "What brings you two here so early and why isn't Olivia in school?" The older Salvatore asked looking at his baby mama and daughter who looked nervous.  "You want to tell your father or should I?" The woman asked looking at the little girl.  "The teacher doesn't like me and I don't know what I did to her!" The little girl said looking at her parents.  "What happen at school Oli?" Damon asked saying his daughter's nickname.  "Olivia Kehlani Hall Salvatore tell your father what happened!" Olivia's mother demanded looking at her daughter.  "I called mrs.Spencer a bad word" the little girl said looking into her father's ice blue eyes. "And what was that bad word little one?" The blue eyed vampire asked looking at his six year old daughter who couldn't look her father in the eyes.

Hearing his phone ding Damon pulled it out looking at seeing it was a text message from Regina (his baby mama) telling him that his daughter called her teacher a bitch.  "All I'm gonna say is if you ever say another swear word you won't like the outcome do I make myself clear young lady?" Damon said looking into his daughter's eyes.  "Yes sir" the little girl said looking up at her father then at her mother then ran to the kitchen.

Looking at the vampire Regina nodded her head with a smile on her face.  "What?" Damon asked looking at the woman who kept smiling at him.  "Your different when talking to Olivia it's scary yet it's so different" Regina said looking into the raven haired man.  "I take being scary as a complement" Damon said with a smirk pouring himself a drink.  "Daddy mommy can I have some ice cream?" Olivia asked running back into the parlor seeing her parents talking about something.  "Go ahead sweetheart" Regina said looking at her daughter who ran back into the kitchen with a smile on her face.  "And you told she can have ice cream before dinner why?"the blue eyed vampire asked looking at the woman with a glare that'll stop anyone in their tracks.  "Cause it's you that'll have to deal with a hyper six year old kid for the whole four week's" Regina said standing up from her spot grabbing her bag and her car key's.  "Lai come say bye to mommy!" Regina yelled for her daughter who ran back into the parlor her little arms holding a huge tub of bluebell strawberry ice cream causing both parents to laugh at their daughter's silliness.  "Bye mommy see you when you get back" Olivia said hugging her mother pecking her lips.  "Be good for daddy and I promise to call you every day" Regina said pecking her daughter's lips then stood up walking over to the raven hair vampire.  "I'll text you when I'm on my plane and when I'm at the hotel" the woman said looking up into her baby daddy's ice blue eyes.  "To Jamaica" Regina said while Damon rolled his eyes.  "Of course you are" Damon mumbled.  "Don't want to miss your flight" the older Salvatore said which meant for her to get lost.  "Bye guy's!" Regina said walking to the door opening it seeing Stefan and Elena walking towards the house.  "Hiya Stefan Elena nice to see y'all"  Regina said walking passed them getting into her car and drove away.

Walking into the Salvatore house the couple saw Damon pouring g a cup of bourbon and Olivia eating ice cream.  "Brother Elena it's nice you two can finally join us" the older Salvatore said smirking at them.  "Well some of us have to go to school while others just sit around going to council meetings and drink bourbon" Stefan said looking at his brother who just smirked and sat down next to the little girl.  "I take pride in what I do cause if it wasn't for me being on the council we wouldn't know half the information we know" Damon said while his daughter laid her head in his lap falling asleep.  "How long is she staying? Caroline just texted and said she wanted to go to the mall with me, her, Bonnie, and Olivia" Elena said looking at the Salvatore father.  "For four weeks maybe longer I don't know yet and last time blondie took Olivia shopping it took me a week to put those clothes and toys away" Damon said looking at the burnett getting up from the couch carrying his sleeping daughter over to his mini bar pouring himself a drink.  "How can you drink while holding your sleeping daughter?" Elena asked looking at the older vampire with a shocked look.  "The way I'm doing it now and trust me holding my kid isn't gonna stop me from taking a drink or two maybe even more" Damon said with a smirk while the doppelgänger rolled her eyes at the older Salvatore.

TVD Damon Salvatore One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora