Sunny Salvatore pt1

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*Age: 1/2

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*Age: 1/2

*half human/ half vampire

*mixed: Italian/ black

-Black hair like father

Favorite colors: Yellow, pink and blue

*Nicknames: sunshine, baby girl, honey, and sweetheart

*Dad: Damon Salvatore

*Uncle: Stefan

*Mom: died

*Heates and fears: dark, loud noises and being away from daddy and uncle Stefan, hates being told no, being ignored, veggies except broccoli and raw carrots, sleeping in her bed, diaper changes, cold milk.

Loves and Likes: Daddy, Uncle Stefan, Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric, Jenna, Matt, Tyler, (everyone else), being held, sleeping with daddy, fruit, broccoli and raw carrots, chewing on things, everything to do with daddy, juice and warm milk, bath time.

-Starts at the end of season one going into season two.

Damon just got back from dealing with a problem so now he needed to go pick up Sunny from Elena's house.

Walking inside of the Gilbert's home he saw Elena playing with Sunny on the floor on her play mat. "How was your mission with Stefan and Ric? By the way where are they?" Elena asked while Damon got in the floor while his daughter got up hugging him. "Stefan took Ric to pick up Jenna." the older Salvatore hugging his daughter back watching his baby sit back on the floor to continue her game with Elena.

Stefan, Alaric and Jenna walked inside the house Elena hugging Jenna first then Alaric then lastly Stefan kissing his lips.

Sunny saw her Uncle so she walked over hugging both Elena's and Stefan's leg's. Stefan looked down seeing his niece seeing the baby Salvatore wanting to picked up so he reached down picking the little girl up kissing her chubby cheeks causing Sunny to squeal causing the adults to smile at her.

Sunny then looked behind her seeing her daddy cleaning up her toys and play mat reaching towards him. "Hold on baby I'm cleaning your toys." Damon said standing up but the little girl hated to be denied. "Dada!" Sunny whined while Stefan put her down she walked over to her father hugging his leg wanting to be picked up but Damon ignored her in his leg and continued to clean. "No Sunny I'm cleaning." The raven haired Salvatore continuing to clean with his daughter hugging his leg.

Stefan walked over to get his niece removing her from her father's leg causing the baby to cry. "Your sleeping baby I can tell." Stefan said gently bouncing so Sunny could fall asleep but the little girl was too upset cause she wanted her daddy.

Jenna and Alaric was in the kitchen talking hearing the little girl crying Jenna got up and warmed some milk in a bottle walking in the living room with Alaric following behind.

Damon walked out the door to put Sunny's toy in the car then back inside seeing his baby drinking milk.

Walking over to his brother, the older Salvatore took his daughter into his arms sitting down in the couch moving hair away from Sunny's eyes. "I just needed to clean Sunshine Daddy didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Damon said softly wiping his baby's tears hating to see her upset.

TVD Damon Salvatore One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora