His Humanity

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(Before I began I want to give a shout out to my best friend TVDFictionn who allowed me to write this and also the character of Luna belongs to her.
so I just want to put that out there just in case someone come up in the comments and say I steal people's books 😫😤💯... 

anyway shout out to you girl who has a huge imagination and a loving heart 🥰💖 love you Anna😘💖💛💯

(On with the story ⬇️👇🏽)

Today was a beautiful day and Luna wanted to go out and enjoy it but Elena said that they were going to the Salvatore boarding house.

When they got to the Salvatore house both girl's went inside seeing the brother's sitting and talking about something.

Stefan got up and went to Elena kissing her while Luna went to Damon jumping onto the couch with trouble but got on sitting next to the older Salvatore brother. "May I help you?" The vampire asked looking at the little girl. "Can you take me to the park?" Luna asked with puppy dog eyes. "No...Why don't you ask your sister and saint Stefan" Damon said bluntly which hurt Luna's feelings but he didn't let it show. "I want you to take me" the little girl said pleading. "Fine go let's tell our siblings that we're leaving" the older Salvatore said getting off the couch both going upstairs to where their siblings were telling them they were leaving then they left.

When they got to the park Damon annoyingly sat and watched the little girl play.

The older Salvatore decided to feed since Luna was busy playing with kids. So while feeding on a women the blue eyed vampire immediately heard screaming.

Quickly Damon compelled the women then ran to see a man trying dragging a crying and scared Luna so Damon ran over to the man in human speed but used vamp strength picking up Luna placing her on his back but told the little girl to hide her face and close her eyes.

Making sure no one was watching Damon took the guy to a alleyway far away from the park next to the grill then told Luna to go inside the grill and wait for him there.

When the guy came to the first thing he saw was the older Salvatore staring down at him. "Want to tell me why you were after a little girl?" Damon asked seriously no joking or sarcastic comments. "I don't have to you and that little brat in there can make me a lot of money!" The guy said with a smirk. "She's my responsibility, so you mess with her your messing with me and I'm the wrong person you want to mess with. whoever your boss is they'll have to go on without you." Damon said shoving his hand into the man's chest pulling out his heart then vamp sped to the woods burying the body where no one would find it then went back to the park getting his car then went back to the grill where he saw Luna eating chicken nuggets and fries drinking a chocolate milkshake laughing at Matt Donovan.

When Damon got to the bar where Luna and Matt were the little girl jumped into the vampire's arms. "Thank you for saving me Damy!" Luna whispered in the vampire's ear. "Anytime sweetheart, I'll always save save you." Damon said hugging the little girl tighter to him not caring if Donovan or anyone else was watching he needed the little girl to know that he cared about her.

When the little girl was finished they went back to the Salvatore house where Elena was waiting...

Walking into the house Damon saw Elena and Stefan sitting on the couch cuddled next to each other. "How was the park?" Elena asked looking at the sleepy Luna then up at the older Salvatore brother. "It was fun" Damon said going over to his minibar pouring himself a drink. "I'm glad by the way Jenna's not home nor is Jeremy so we went back to the house I got some of mine and Luna's clothes and decided to stay over if that's ok with you?" Elena said while Damon took a drink then looked at his brother and the brunette then down at the little girl in Elena's arm's. "I don't mind at all" The blue eyed Salvatore shocking the two not knowing what to say or do.

When Luna woke up Elena explained that they were staying at the Salvatore's which made the little girl happier cause she was staying over Damon's.

After her bath Luna wanted Damon to do her story time so she found him in the library and got into his lap and begged him to tell her a story about himself so he did without the gory details not knowing Stefan's me Elena watched and listened with smile's on their face's.

Going into Stefan's room the younger Salvatore and Elena talked about what they saw between Damon and Luna. "His humanity is back isn't it?" Elena asked looking up at her boyfriend. "After 145 years, yeah my brother's humanity is back" Stefan said happy tears falling down his face.

Tucking the little girl in the room next to his the older Salvatore made sure that she was close to his just in case she needed to get to him during the night. Knowing the little girl hated the dark he made sure to have a night light then went to his but before he left he heard the little girl girl whisper... "good night Damy I love you" Luna said falling asleep deeper with a smile on her face. "I love you too Luna" Damon said going to his room taking a shower then got into bed with a smile on his face knowing he had something and someone to live for.




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