Was Michael Jackson My Grandfather?

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August 4th, 2016

39 year old Michelle went into the kitchen and she saw Sean with the tools.

"Uh honey, what's with all the tools?" She said.

"Well the cupboards always get crooked so I'm going to fix it" he said.

"Well good luck" she said.

7 year old Lisa was back home from school, she put her backpack away and went into the living room. Michelle came into the room and said to Lisa "hey Lisa, how was school?".

"Mom can I ask you something?" Lisa said

"What is it" Michelle said

"It's about..... my grandfather" Lisa said.

Michelle was confused and she said "which one, on your dad's side or on my side?".

Lisa said "on your side".

Michelle's eyes were wide open and Lisa said "is it true that Michael Jackson was my grandfather?".

"Lisa, who told you that your grandfather was Michael Jackson?" Michelle said.

Lisa told Michelle that there was a kid went up to her and said about Michael Jackson was her grandfather and Michelle put her head down and said "yes Lisa, Michael Jackson, The King Of Pop was your grandfather".

Lisa stood up and ran into her room.

Sean saw the commotion and he said to Michelle "maybe it's the time Michelle".

"But I prefer daddy to tell her that, he did that the same thing with Elizabeth, but..... he's not here anymore" Michelle said.

Sean hugged his wife to calm her down, then Michelle went into Lisa's room and said "ok Lisa, I'm going to tell you everything about the family thing ok".

"Ok" Lisa said

Michelle said "your father and I and your grandfather thought we keep that distance so you and your brother and sister can have a normal childhood and everything,
your grandfather was going to tell you that when you're older, but when he died everything changed, he just wanted to protect you and your siblings".

"But why can you and dad protect us" Lisa said

"Your father and I were so busy with our careers and before you were born, your grandfather wanted your uncles, your aunt and your siblings' faces to be covered everytime they had to go out" Michelle said.

Lisa said "was my faces covered too"

Michelle said "yes"

When Lisa was born Michael had to put a little white sheet on Lisa when him, Michelle, Sean and everyone were out of the hospital.

Then Lisa said "I just wish I can remember him".

Michelle hugged Lisa and said "I know sweetie, me too and the family".

And she told Lisa that Michael died when Lisa was a month old and then she said "and his last words were when he was holding you in his arms 'grandpa will always love you'".

Lisa smiled and she forgive Michelle then they heard a crash.

"I think your dad is doing something wrong" Michelle said when she was about the in downstairs to the kitchen.

The cupboard were down and then Sean came up and said that he's okay.

Michelle found the instructions and she said "hey honey, I found the instructions of the house, it says here in page 6, that there's a holder that keeps the cupboard still, see".

Michelle put the holder in the other cupboard and Sean said "you mean, we been living here for 11 years and we don't know what that thing was for?".

"Pretty much" Michelle said

Sean said "oh brother" them Michelle giggled and Sean was about to clean up the mess.

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