I Was Adopted?

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July 17th, 1987

10 year old Michelle was at the studio, when her dad was recording for 'Bad'.

"Ok Michael let's take a break" said Frank, Michael came to check on Michelle and she said that it sounds awesome and he said "thanks sweetie" he kiss her on the head and he went to have a chat with Frank.

The radio was on but then the radio said "today is July 17th 1987, and today is the 10th anniversary when Michael Jackson adopted a baby girl in a burning house and named her Michelle Katherine Jackson".

Michelle turn off he radio and look at her dad, Michael was pretty sad to look at his daughter seeing upset.

"For 10 years, you didn't get a spare time to tell me that I was adopted" said Michelle, Michael said "I was going to tell you that when you are older, but now you know", Michael sat on a chair beside Michelle and said "Michelle, if I didn't found you in that fire, you would of been dead".

Michelle was starting to cry and he hugged Michael, he hugged her too and she said "I'm glad you find me daddy", Michael said "me too sweetie" he kiss her on the cheek, "now let's get that album finish" said Michelle.

'Bad' was released and everyone went wild of the album.

One day, Michael had to go on tour and Michelle was very sad to see her dad go but Michael hugged her and said "I'll be back sweetie" and he left.

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