Announcement & Paparazzi

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March 5th, 2009

Michael made an announcement that he's doing his final curtain call called "This Is It".

"This Is It and I'll see you in July" said Michael to his fans who are crazy and full of happiness.

In April, Michael took Prince, Paris, Blanket, Michelle, Sean and their kids to the store to get some stuff for This Is It and of course the paparazzi came in.

Prince, Paris, Blanket, Elizabeth, and Joseph were all covered in masks, although Michelle didn't like that part but she knows that's it's for the best.

While at the store, Michelle is now 8 months pregnant and she feels that the baby is kicking.

Sean looked at Michelle and said "are you okay honey?".

"I'm fine Sean, it's just a kick" said Michelle.

"Oh okay then, do you remember when you were pregnant with Joseph, I started to panic cause I thought you were in labor" said Sean

Michelle laughed and Michael went up them and said "oh I remember that, you Michelle had 3rd false alarms with Joseph".

They chuckled and 8 year old Joseph went up and said "I had 3 false alarms?".

Michelle said to her son "yeah those false alarms, your father thought that I was in labor, especially when I was pregnant with Elizabeth".

"And I am not doing the same thing with your little brother or sister" said Sean.

Michael said while rubbing Michelle's belly "well to be honest, I kinda want another girl".

"Well we'll have to wait and see when the baby comes daddy" said Michelle.

So they went back home.

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