Forever Love

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July 13, 2014

17 year old Elizabeth heard a song called "Forever Love" by Dana Richard and Avia Butler from the SHAYTARDS on YouTube.

The SHAYTARDS were Elizabeth's favourite YouTubers, she always watching their videos every single day.

When Elizabeth showed 37 year old Michelle the video, she thought it was a blessing song cause it reminds her of when she was with her father couple of years ago.

Then she tweeted about the video, Shay saw the tweet and he was so excited that Michael Jackson's oldest daughter tweeted about "Forever Love", how much Elizabeth loves it, it reminds her when she was with her dad, then he told his family about and his wife was so happy even Avia.

Shay telling his viewers on the inslate.

Well thank you for watching the vlog, oh I have good news for you guys, you know that my daughter Avia and Dana did Forever Love, well about that song, Michelle Jackson you know her as Michael Jackson's oldest daughter, she tweeted about the song like she loved it, her daughter Elizabeth loved it and I like the part when she said that song reminded her when she was with her dad as a child, so I was thinking maybe I should do an interview with Michelle or Elizabeth or both, about their lives and their lives right now, what do you guys think, leave a comment down below, click all the videos and we'll see you tomorrow.

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