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Everything went wild.

Michael and Michelle now live Neverland Ranch, they did a movie called 'Moonwalker' and she met Sean Lennon (John Lennon's Son) and Michelle was in the movie, playing herself.

In November 13, Michelle and Katherine came to Memorial Sports Arena, where Michael was doing the Bad concert.

At the concert, Michelle was on the side of the stage, seeing her dad singing and dancing on stage and he said to his fans "I have a song that I want to sing, and you know my 11 year old daughter of mine and her name is Michelle", the fans cheered and he said "Michelle is everything to me, I love her, all of you guys love her", when Michael was talking about her, Michelle was blushing.

Michael said "so this song is for my little princess it's called I'll Be There", everybody went awe, cheered and Michael nickname Michelle his little princess.

When the song was almost done, Michelle came on stage, everyone was screaming, Michael saw her and took her hand and he knees down and while he was singing, his right hand was holding the microphone and his left hand was on Michelle's cheek and her hands was on her dad's hands and when he finish the song, she hugged her dad and Michael picked her up and hugged her.

They kissed and Michelle went back to the side of the stage and enjoy her dad's show.

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