Michael's Spirit Came

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At night Elizabeth was in her bedroom, looking at the window and said "I wish your spirit will come every day grandpa, I just missed you so much".

Then Michael's spirit came and he said "Happy Birthday Elizabeth" and then Elizabeth turn around and saw her grandfather as a 30 years old she said "grandpa, is that you".

"It is sweetie" he said

Elizabeth ran up to him, hug him and he hug her back and she said "I missed you so much and I can't believe you're here as a spirit".

"And I can't believe you're 16, oh my, you look just like your mother when she was your age and when your parents fell in love" he said

"Really" she said

"Yeah, I was there" he said

When they were talking, Michelle went to the hall and she heard something in Elizabeth's room so she went to the door and she saw her and the spirit of Michael.

She was shocked and smiled and she whispered "thank you mother" cause her mother made Michelle's daughter's wish came true, so she went into the room and said "daddy?", he turned around and said "Michelle?", She ran to him they hugged.

She cried in her spirit father's shoulder and he said "it's alright Michelle, daddy's here".

Elizabeth said "mom, did you make my wish come true".

Michelle pulled out of Michael and said to Elizabeth "actually Liz, it was your old grandmother who made your wish come true".

Elizabeth knows that her grandmother died when Michelle was 1 month old.

"Now, I might visit you sometime but now I'm going to see Prince, Paris and Blanket" he said

"Oh daddy, they'll be so happy to see you, as a ghost" Michelle said

Michael kissed Michelle's cheek, Elizabeth's head and disappeared.

Michelle was about to leave when Elizabeth went to the window saying thank to her old grandmother to make her wish come true.

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