Chapter XXV | The Research Liberro

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"Well done, you have chosen the right choice" he said with the thinnest smile that felt fake and his voice so dull that one might not even understand whether he is human or not "You all meet me in the research liberro. Carla, will lead you there" he said pointing to a girl standing formally like a guard of a king, near him, she had red hair and green eyes with slight freckles on her face, her face had a slight more emotion than Cepheus but it wasn't any good either because the only visible emotion was sternness. She quickly paced toward us, he instructed her something about some papers, she gracefully nodded and Cepheus began to leave us but we stopped him "Why should we go there?" I asked. He sighed "To find the next clue!" he replied, "Now!" We exclaimed in unison out of bewilderment and astonishment, "So when? We don't have time, we never had! We must start now" he yelled and left. We stood there surprise.

Now, that's way too rude!

"Follow me please," she said in a slight calm tone. Her accent was slightly different than ours. She walked towards a door and whispered "Apero 14", she turned the golden door knob and entered the room. Galena, Toivo and I glanced at each other in bewilderment and followed her inside.

Our eyes popped and our jaws dropped open, looking at the breathtaking view inside. There were rows of tall shelves filled with all sorts of books one can imagine, probably 70 or 80 feet high. Colorful lanterns were hanging from the amazingly tall ceiling, lightening up the whole room. Silver carpets were covering the grounds of the whole room, but something was strange because walking on them felt really weird as if walking on fluffy snow.

"Oh no! I forgot to mown the carpet!" exclaimed the girl.

Mown the carpet?! That's weird and not surprising at all.

There was a broad passageway through which we were walking between the rows of shelves that led forward to a circular table. And it seemed as if there were no walls, rows of shelves seemed infinite.

We looked at the room astonished. Galena clapped her hand onto her mouth and her eyes were glancing at everything in lightning speed, Toivo's eyes seemed to pop out any moment, and my mouth stiffly stood open.

The girl led us to the circular table, near which 4 chairs were there. We took a chair and sat on them, our senses still astonished, not a single word escaping our open mouth.

The girl went somewhere and bought 4 sheets of paper and distributed it among us. We wouldn't have woken up from the astonish of the things and realized that Cepheus has came and was sitting right in front until he coughed to gain our attention buth that was still not enough our jaws still hung open but fortunately, Galena noticed and harshly nudged us in the ribs.

"Ouch!! Why did you-" I exclaimed but froze when i saw Cepheus sitting in front of us, glaring at us with his cold eyes as if going to murder us right at that moment. "Hi Cepheus!" I said more nervously rather than excitedly.

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