Chapter LXXIII | Breakfast and Break out

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We sat around the long dining table in the dining hall, covered with delicious meals and silver dishes. I slowly took a bite out of my strawberry honey sandwich as I pondered over the question that whether I should ask Adela about letting my sister go along with me to my home or not.

You might be wondering why I was scared and hesitating to ask her-I's that simple-just go and ask her-I don't need to do anything much, and yeah, it is simple to ask, but it wouldn't be too simple to hear the answer. What if she says we can't? I don't want to lose hope that easily. But then, not asking her isn't building any hope in me as well.

I watched her as she gracefully ate her pasta salad covered in a special Mikellarian sauce made from starlily flower nectar. I quietly sighed and looked back at my sandwich, looking between the two stacked bread and seeing how the strawberries inside them dipped in honey looked so aesthetic, yet they didn't taste that great.

I kept my half-eaten sandwich down, grabbed a mozzarella stick from a pot, and weakly took a bite out of it, still too scared to decide to ask her.

Clink. Clink.

The huge chaos zooming crazily across my brain got interrupted by the clinking of a silver spoon on the glass filled with berry smoothie by Queen Adela. I raised my head to look at her with an intrigued face alongside many others.

She cleared her throat and began in her usual angelic voice, "As we all perfectly know and understand, during the treacherous Gregorian era, a lot of us lost many peoples and things, and we lost many faithful alliances, but now that the joyous and safe days are back, we don't need to worry about losses like such and we could if possible try to rebound what can be rebounded. So, to celebrate this rejoicing victory, recover the old partnership, and for much other countless stuff we are going to host a royal ball,"

The entire table broke out into cheers and howls. I looked at Galena with an ecstatic smile, who as well had the same expression, Galena and I looked at Carla, Nova and Nora, whose faces were as well beaming with utmost excitement.

Oh, this is gonna be sooo fun!


I turned once again in my bed, then again to my right, back again to the left, once again on my back before doing a straight one-eighty on my stomach with my head buried beneath my pillow, wishing I would die of suffocation.

You are such a scared cat. Perhaps Lorćan thought right about you. During the whole quest, you were nothing but a precious piece of-

"SHUT UP!" I screamed out loud, holding the pillows against my ears, hoping the annoying teasing voice inside my head would just pipe up for a moment. But they continued whispering, making me give up and sit up straight on my bed.

In times like these, to escape the troublesome voice that makes me doubt myself, my usual flee is to the comforting ones in my head. 'Perhaps you should take a walk around the castle to clear your mind,' they mumbled, 'But I am not allowed to leave the room. I am supposed to be resting,' I noted, 'Well, you are not getting any rest, are you? You could sneak out, past the guards,' they suggested.

I smiled softly to myself and pulled the blanket away. I got out of bed and made a beeline toward the wardrobe. As you may know, I was experienced for more than a year on breaking and sneaking out and didn't took me too long to devise a plan for now.

I opened the wardrobe and pulled out a fern green trench coat to wear over my buttermilk white blouse and pulled on grey tweed wool pants. And lastly, I wore the chocolate brown beanie, which Toivo had knitted for me before I woke up from the long slumber as a get-well-soon gift, and my pair of blue Converse.

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