Chapter XLVI | Just Riddles or something more?

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"That will work well for you", I tied the women with the broken wire of the spiders, as they were very strong, "Don't worry, it wont give you electric currents", I patted her back but all she did was constantly giving me piercing death stares, "Well, I can understand, you must be very angry", I nervously chuckled as I made the bad small-talk, "But, that's life!"

Yeah.. I am terrible at comforting people.

I walked out of the gate as it strongly shined behind my back, I called out to the comrades but there was no sign of any of them. I crawled out of the secret library into the wardrobe, but surprisingly, there was no banging or stomping, just plain silence.

I carefully sneaked my step out of the wooden wardrobe onto the shining marble ground, I stood with my eyes wide open.

How could it? Where could it? What could it?

The once impatient soldiers that were roaming and throwing stuff around the mansion like drunken donkeys, were now lying as still as a log on the ground.

I stepped forward, my jaw dropped open as my lame brain tried to process what in the world and how in the world did all this happen. I turned around while clueless watching the strange-horrific scene.

"AAAAA" I screamed as I nim-witty grabbed the chair near me as a weapon to protect myself from the ones who were madly charging towards me. One of them had a broken violin in her hand, and the other two, a dagger and a sword.

But then, I realize and so did they-

"Wait" I dropped my chair, looking at their faces and realizing who they actually were. "Seriously. You scared me!" I exclaimed sternly.

"Terribly sorry! We thought you were one of those soldiers" Toivo apologised.

"Do I look like one?" I questioned sternly, "Anyways, How the hell were you all able to do all these?" I said pointing towards the astonishing scene.

"We didn't do that on purpose, they were too many, it seemed the best way to protect ourselves," Iris spoked, "And it wasn't exactly us", Iris glanced over at Galena".

"I used the Tech Annihilator Crystal, you know the one I used back at the cave but the greater recruit might come here anytime soon, we must leave now!" Galena told.

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We were back at our DIY cardboard house. Galena and Toivo had brought some fruits and food materials from the Crimsond mansion's kitchen, Toivo cooked for us, he insisted on it in fact but still helped him (actually it was Galena's idea, I just wanted to flop on the dead sofa and sleep) as we discussed our next phase.

"Now, Just the Al-Qamar Mark and Bronze Leaf heirloom's are left" I spoke as I helped Toivo in slicing carrots for the salad, "Where would those be? Do they have a mansion or something?"

"No, most of the Monarch's court seat owners went into hiding after father died, most of them meaning the other three houses, except Greg's house and Crimsond which appeared lately but soon the last heir died as we have seen it shortly after appearance" Galena explained as she stirred the yogurt-mint sauce.

"Is there even a grain of info, where they might be?" Iris questioned as she put the heavy pot on the mud stove that Toivo some-how made.

"Unfortunately no. They are really good at hiding" Toivo spoked.

I sighed as I continued cutting the carrots and eating some slices.

Galena gasped, " Wait, they are good at hiding-at incognito"

"They both are the same terms" Iris spoked.

"No, can't you understand? They are good at incognito meaning, they can disguise themselves in any atmosphere, at any place whether the most quiet or most crowded" She spoked.

"What do you mean? And how will that do any help in finding them?" Toivo questioned.

"We don't need to," Galena stated "They already have found us and we already have met"

"What?" We exclaimed.

"But-How?-When?" Toivo muttered.

"Wait-Are you talking about that riddle guy we met earlier?" Iris remarked.

"Yes, he gave us three riddles," Galena replied.

"Piano, Dictionary, River-those were the answers" Toivo thought aloud.

"And we met the man by accident!" I recalled as I swiped the carrots in the pot, "The riddles must have a greater meaning!"

"Maybe they are related to one of the houses," Galena wondered aloud.

"As far as I can remember," Toivo spoked, "Marilyn Bronze Leaf, a very famous member of Bronze Leaf house, mainly known for her great skills in playing piano and her great voice-she used to play the piano and spend most of her time near the bank of the star lily lake when she was a child, when she grew up and started to travel around the globe to showcase her talent but at her last days, she came back to the river, the star lily river"

"Hence, the clues or even the heirloom itself might be there! "Galena concluded.

"What else do you know about this, 'Star Lily Lake'?" I questioned the 'big head' Toivo.

"Well, it was well known for the great fauna it holded and undoubtedly, for it's famous lilies after which it was most eminently named after-the Star Lilies, they said that on the night of full moon, the lilies would become the stars of the river and surface of river-the night sky- but all that is there now is a islands of floating GARBAGE" Toivo sarcastically noted, "Because the great king, Greg Mikellar thought it would be fun to spoil the only water source for the slum citizens and ruining the beautiful natural ambience by throwing garbage of riches of Mikellar into the great river!"

"What else do you expect from the metal guy?". I slightly chuckled glancing over at the comrades as they slowly joined which slight chuckles which slowly ended up in a roaring and blooming laughter.

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