Chapter XXVIII | "Romar Wens"

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"Kyrah! Kyrah," A familiar voice shouted, shaking my shoulders.

My eyes opened and the visions slowly got clearer and better. In front of me were the familiar faces of Galena, Toivo and Cepheus. They were looking at me worriedly as if I just came back from an encounter of Death and most surprising Cepheus's Face also had the clues of Worriedness.

"What happened to you?" Toivo spoked.

"Me?" I questioned.

"Whom else you may think we were finding for almost half of the day?" Cepheus savagely replied.

"What are you all talking about?" I questioned.

"Chaps! Let her just rest for some time, then she would surely be ready for answering your eager unanswered questions" Galena once again came to rescue.

"Fine, you might get a little rest. I don't want anyone else to go into slumber mode during our mission" Cepheus replied and took us out of the room.

He again took hold of the door knob to the same room's door and said "Romar Wens", he opened the door and instead of the library stood the gloomiest room my eyes have ever seen.

The room's ceiling was tall, very tall, the walls were the grey, darkest shade of grey, the ground was as hard as tortoise's shell, the room was lit by a single candle, it's flames were moving so violently as if it could be collapsed any moment by the cold air, that enveloped the whole room.

And near the table on which the candle stood were triple bunk beds , matching the prison sort of vibe of the room.

"It's amazing, Right? This will be your room for now...

No, We will not.

... You can decide who will sleep on which bunk, Quick get rest, We don't have time" Cepheus left the room, slamming the door behind his back.

We looked at the door with absolute horror on our face.

"Is this a ridiculous prank or something?" I exclaimed.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Toivo stuttered.

"Well.." Galena spoke and glanced at us as if being ready for something. Suddenly, Toivo and Galena sprinted towards the bed.

And then I realised what all this was....

"Top Bunk's mine" Toivo shouted excitedly sitting on the top bunk.

"Arrrgh! Middle's mine" Galena exclaimed.

.....But it was too late.

"Lower's mine then, I guess" I said and carefully flopped onto the cold sheets. The bed was not too comfortable but because of the gravely tiredness nothing could stop me from going to sleep. But out of a sudden, It was gone, the uncontrollable feeling of tiredness was. Gone. I turned my head towards the somber wall. I recalled the strange meeting I had with Queen Adela.

Perhaps it was just a dream?

But how could a dream be so vivid?

Was it just a Dream?

"Galena, Toivo," I called them.

"What?" They peered their heads out of the corner of their bunk, their faces were as tireless as mine.

"I need to tell you something" I answered.

I was standing in the middle of the room, Toivo and Galena sat on their bed, their feets dangling from the corner of the bed.

"May we know what it is?" Toivo impatiently questioned.

"Is it related to why you were lying unconscious?" Galena asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Then we must tell Toivo as well," Toivo exclaimed.

"No,... I need to tell this to you all only" I replied.

"So, I was searching for the books while I was on the ladder and then I felt pain all over and I fell. Then, I woke up not there, it was a nice place, so nice that I even thought I died and went to heaven and then... Ok, y'all might not believe me but I- met Queen Adela" I explained.

"WHAT?!" Toivo and Galena exclaimed, jumping out of their bunks.

"Why did you see her?" Toivo questioned.

"How would I know?, she wanted to talk or something- about our quest" I stuttered.

"Heaven?" Galena murmured as she went past us, biting her nails, buried in her thoughts.

"Hah! It must be a Vistrowler!" She shouted.

"A what?" I exclaimed out of bewilderment.

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