Chapter LXXVIII | The Last Day in Heaven

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as the Vexerbud zoomed down towards the Starlily Lake, dragging me, sitting on top of it as well.

And right when it was about to hit the lake's surface, it took a sharp turn and flew once again toward the sky as kids watched and cheered with amusement along the lake bank; Iris, Toivo, Carla and Nova laughed hysterically from the top of their giant seagulls; and Nora, Cepheus and Galena anxiously followed the vexerbud from top of their Regnbogans-fugla (the most colourful gigantic bird you could ever see in your life, and is pronounced I guess like, 'reg-boyangsh foohg-la' (terribly sorry if I got it wrong), Galena told that the name got an Icelandic origin and means 'rainbow's birds').

My eyes were tightly shut, too scared to open them and see the ground more than a thousand metres below my feet. And, arms wrapped firmly around its neck, thinking I would fall right off his back if I loose my grip even a little bit.

"JUST CALM DOWN, ALRIGHT!" Galena shouted from below us, "WHEN YOU WILL BE CALM-HE'LL BE CALM!"


"OPEN YOUR EYES FIRST!" Cepheus yelled.

"WHO'S BLOODY IDEA WAS THIS?!" Galena cursed.

"I DON'T WANNA GET BLIN-AAAAAAAAA!!!" I screeched as the Vexerbird once again soared down.


I finally stopped screaming, somehow took a deep breath in and out through the blinding wind and opened my eyes to, yet again, scream like a banshee as we almost collided with the tree before he flew up its top, narrowly escaping from death or tens of bones cracking.

Ok, calm yourself. Calm yourself. Don't scream. Enjoy this hell ride.

I managed to stop screaming again, but this time, I was determined to not mess up, even if he would fly out of the Earth's atmospheric surface.

I opened my eyes, the wind was straining, but I kept it open.



And soon enough, the Vexerbud's maddening speed slowed down, calmly soaring through the clouds and between the trees. It was all just gentle zoom then, as I silently enjoyed it with my mouth shut.

"Finally!" Nora sighed as they flew near us alongside the other squad, still recovering from the hollering waves of laughter.

Then, we quietly flew in sync together.

We flew up the clouds sometimes to see the beaming and bright sun; and down, watching the busy market streets, alleyways, and quiet solitudes of the forest. The awe-stricken silence was broken once or twice by jokes and humming tunes of Carla and Nova.

"I'm really gonna miss this back in the real world," I said.

"Weren't you screaming and shouting, like you were going to die, a moment before?" Toivo teased.

"So was it when I came here first and all those life-threatening moments. But then, it turned into this wonder-stuck silence". I smiled.

"I'll really miss you," stated Nora, smiling at me.


"Me too! Not 'really'-I will really miss you!" Galena exclaimed.

"Thank y-"

"Same," Toivo stated (surprisingly).

Cepheus continued, "I'll miss your presence among us as well."

I smiled, "Tha-"

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