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Void was started to grow worried. Its been 12 hours since she left and there no texts or calls. He didn't trust Scott and he went to check his house first. Void knocked on the door inpatiently, Melissa answered but she looked confused.

"Stiles? What are you doing here, i thought you were going to the animal clinic?" she questioned

"Uh yes i was but i left my phone in Scott's room. Can i quickly run up and get it" he smiled

"Yes of course, oh and when you're there tell Lisa i said hi" Lisa was at the animal clinic? he thought to himself.

"Ah found it, thanks and will do, bye mama mccall" he rushed to his car, knowing that she knew he wasn't Stiles.
He was now on his way to save his princess.

Void walked into the clinic and demanded to see Lisa. The pack acted scared so the plan can proceed. They showed him where Lisa is, she was still unconscious. He was too busy to notice that Deaton was about to inject him with something but he cared if she was okay, he scanned her body for any cuts or bruises. But he fell to the ground and he couldn't move a muscle. Kanima venom. They moved him into a circle of mountain ash in the opposite corner from Lisa.

After a couple hours she finally wakes up and the kanima venom weared off so her and Void could move again. She looked around trying to figure out where she was.

"Hey sleeping beauty, how you feeling princess?" Void said. She said she was fine but couldn't figure out where she was or how she got there. Void filled her in as much as he knew but it was only a little bit. Scott came in and apologized to Lisa and promised he's going to help her and save her from his mind games .He seemed serious. Void and Lisa looked at each other and burst out laughing. She explained that she learned a long time ago  how to shut Void out of her mind and how to manipulate him in her mind. He was even more surprised when she said that Void taught her how to do that. Scott wasn't convinced but he said he had to go see mum at the hospital to give her her dinner and he left.

It was only Void and Lisa in the clinic along with a couple animals. They talked and laughed just so the time passes quicker. They hear the door opening and expecting it to be one of the pack members but to their surprise it was much worse. Gerard.

"Hello phoenix" he said looking at her disgusted "You are way too dangerous to walk on this earth" he raised his gun pointing it at Lisa. "It's not just a bullet, it's a golden bullet, not a thing you see every day" he laughed " I've also read that it kills phoenixes, let's check, any last words bird?" he asked but not leaving her any time to answer before he shot. Void did everything to get out but nothing worked. He just had to experience watching the closest thing to him die in front of his eyes.

Scott rushed in and seeing the scene, he was speechless but he removed Gerard from the room, he was proud of himself with no regret, he "saved the world from another dangerous beast" but really he was the monster.

Everyone noticed that Lisa wasn't healing. They broke the mountain ash rings. Void ran to her and help her in his arms. Trying to calm her down but he didn't know what to do. He looked at him and her eyes were glowing. He whispered in her ear only for her to hear "come back to me princess, i love you" he embraced her not wanting to let go. She whispered back "that's the worst time to confess your feeling Voidy, i love you too you idiot" she crashed her lips into his. Moments later she pushed him away but told him to keep her ashes safe. Seconds after the last sentence she burst into flames only leaving ashes behind.

Void picked her ashes and put them in a gorgeous urn. It was almost floating but was supported with a wooden stand. It had a drawing of a fox and a phoenix in an old japanese style. It's been months and nothing. Will their story really end like this?


770 words

going to finish this story soon, hope you guys are liking it.

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