~i love you~

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After Lisa was gone Void didn't know what to do with himself, Scott tried checking up on him but it was no use.
He wouldn't leave the flat, too many things reminded him of her. He was playing tricks on his own mind. He imagined how things would've been different if he never showed up in her life. She would've found someone else to love. What if he was good.  All sort of questions flooding his mind. In his sleep he would dream of being with her but it would always end badly for him because she would either die or leave him for someone better.

Couple months later he started coming out the house and he blamed the pack for her death. He found Gerard, he hurt him physically then he cruelly made him think he was going insane and gave him horrible nightmares and at the end he gave him a poison that would slowly kill him. He would occasionally play tricks on the pack but he knew that all he could do because lisa would never forgive him if he hurt them.

It's been 7 months. Void has turned back into himself.  He's starting killing people and making it look like animal attacks, he was in Stiles head again giving him nightmares but giving him an idea to go on a trip with his dad to 'ease his mind'. Void gave him an idea so he can feed from the high school drama and cause physical fights and argument. He was getting powerful and out of control again.

There was this couple he hated at school, they were too perfect. He did some digging and found out the girl was cheating on him and he got into their heads and made such a big argument that it got so out of hand even the school had to get involved so they don't hurt each other. It wasn't the first couple he's done that to.

He was about to break up a friendship group. Lisa always knew when he was up to no good, he had this concentrated yet mischievous smile, he would always keep his eyes on the target and his body would be really tense but he would somehow make it look relaxed.

"Hey Voidy, i see you're causing chaos again" a familiar voice said. Void turned his gaze towards the voice only to see her, the one he needed all this time, his love.

"My love you're back" he rushed to her, picking her up by the waist and gently spinning her. He hugged her like it was the last time he would ever see her. She hugged him back and picked up him chin to make him look in her eyes.

"I'm never leaving you again, i promise and i love you" she kissed his forehead.

"i love you too my love" he kissed her lips but can't stop smiling.


550 words

This is where our story ends but i have some ideas for a following book. Let's see how this book does first. If yous have any ideas or comments please feel free to message me or anything.

Hope yous are happy with this little ending :)

thank you for reading my lovelies <3 xx

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