~day 1~

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She woke up to hearing Void pacing back and forward . Even tho he has the oni he's getting weak, he needs pain and chaos. Then he got a a brilliant idea.

"Oh good you're awake. I've got a plan" he walked into the room she was in, his pace was much calmer now. She been wearing the same clothes for 2 days now.

"How do you feel about fake dating" he's eagerly waiting for her reaction. He face is blank, she hasn't fully processed what he just said and she was still half asleep and it just caught her by surprise.

"Fake dating?" she questioned hoping that he would give her some clue.

"Yes. It's the safest choice for everyone." his smile faded as he thought how stupid that sounded.

"Okay, but how"

"We fake date which will drive most of your friends insane and they will do their best to figure out what's going on and i will just do my beautiful magic. And you will be able to have your normal life and see your friends and everything" he looked proud of himself

"What's the catch" she suspected he wants something more

"I get to feed on the chaos of course and you will not tell your pack anything i tell you unless i want you to tell them but if you break that rule you will never see them or anyone you love ever again" his eyes darkened

"We will be living together in a house so you will need to pack your stuff, we'll be leaving in 20 minutes"  he walked away.

That might actually work, good thinking Void she smiled to herself

They get to the Mccalls house and Lisa takes a deep breath.

"It's okay Princess, we just have to make them believe we're dating" he turns her body towards him, takes her hands and kisses her forehead.

The pack was there, they all looked stressed probably trying to come up with a plan to get Lisa back. Void and her walked into the house and they all strangely looked at them.

"Lisa what the actual fuck" scott raged towards her grabbing her.

"Let her go Mccall" Void said in a threatening voice.

"Lisa this fucking psycho killed my first love"

"Yes i know but she was a bit of a bitch and don't call my boyfriend a psycho you dick!" she shouted at scott catching him off guard.

"Now if you excuse me i'm going to go pack my stuff and i'm moving out. With Void" she cleared it up for everyone  in the room. When she went upstairs and all eyes fell on Void.

"You're probably thinking what i'm planning. I'm sure Allison would have a good couple ideas" he laughed looking Scott dead in the eye. He made himself at home and sat on the couch. The pack started bickering with each other. Void just sat there watching them and feeding off the chaos and frustration that was building. Forty minutes passed and Lisa surprisingly packed everything, because she hasn't been home in a while she didn't bother much about fully unpacking and having her stuff out.

"I'm ready now can we please leave, Scott tell mum i love her please and i'll come visit soon" she came downstairs and walked towards Void. Scott's eyes were glowing red trying to convince her to stay with his dominance and status. He expected her to realize what she was doing and stay but no she showed him her supernatural eyes for the first time ever, they weren't normal werewolf eyes they were a firy orange colour. Scott took a step back and looked to the floor.

"Goodbye" was the last thing she said and left.

The pack weren't so sure that she's a werewolf anymore.


Void brought her to a small house in the woods, she thought it was adorable. There were 2 bedrooms, 1 toilet , merged kitchen and living room. It quite messy so she thought of tidying up but she wasn't gonna do it alone.

"Void!" she shouted

"Yes princess what's wrong" he asked thinking something's wrong.

"You're going to tide up with me. I'm doing one of the bedrooms, the kitchen and we can do the living room together" she told him and left to get the rest of her stuff

" On it miss" he liked how bossy she was, it made it more interesting being with her.

She cleaned the bedroom up and added most of her things, her clothes i. the closet, books on table, fairy lights, paints and brushes in drawers and clean bedsheets of course.

There wasn't much food in the kitchen so they had to go to the shop. She cleaned the floors and the surfaces and the fridge. Now the only thing there was left was the living room. Void was just finishing up with the toilet. Void wiped the surfaces so there was no dust, Lisa did the floors and the couch and that was them done with the house.

"We need to go to the shop there's nothing to eat. And i'm starving so get up your ass and let's go" she bossed him yet again

"Yup okay coming, my back hurts actually from all the tidying" he complained.

"Shut up"

"okay." this bitch telling me, the 1000 year old evil spirit to shut up? This girl is really something and she's still bossing me around.

"Day 1 my Lisa , we're going to have so much fun together" he grinned.

"Doubt it and focus on pushing the cart we're only starting shopping" she rolled her eyes leading him to the fruit section.

950 words

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