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Stiles and Scott were invited to Stiles's childhood friends birthday party, Scott told me to come aswell as it was an opportunity to meet new people.
The three of them arrived there and Heather walked up and kissed Stiles.

Who the fuck does she think she is thought Lisa looking at Heather with a disgusted look.

"Jealous are we?" asked Heather is a cocky voice without breaking eye contact

Lisa protested and just walked away while the blonde took Stiles hand and took him to the winery. Lisa could hear their conversation and she yet again looked disgusted when she heard they were about to have sex. Stiles quickly ran upstairs probably go get a condom.

Lisa heard scared screams and went to the winery so see what was going on. The floor was covered in glass and wine but Heather was no where to be seen. She went upstairs to find Stiles. She walked into him causing him to drop something, she picks it up and looks at it. It's a condom. 'XXL'.

"Congrats Stiles" she said avoiding eye contact.

They assumed she hooked up with someone else so they didn't think much of it.


The next day at school Sheriff Stilinski walked into coaches class and asked Stiles to talk to him in private. He told him that Heather was announced missing. He explained that they assumed she went to hang out with her other friends.

Lydia has been feeling weird since the bite . She decided to go to the store during a full moon not knowing the danger but she ends up at a swimming pool. She's confused but decides to wonder around and she finds a body in the pool. She wishes it's not dead but turns out it's only a dummy until she looks down on her hands which are covered in blood.When Lydia looks up and sees a dead boy sitting on the plank she screamed as loud as she could. She called Stiles and when he arrived he called Scott telling him about the body Lydia found.

The alpha situation was getting out of hand and Scott thought it was the alphas who killed the boy at the pool. He asked Mr Argent for help but he denied. Scott asked him to drop him off at the place where the dead body was found. When Argent saw the crime scene it changed his mind and decided to help.

Stiles, Scott and Lisa went to look at Heathers corpse. Another girl was found dead in the wood. The boy by the pool and the two girls had the same 3 injuries being strangles, head bashed in and slashed Stiles explained he also added that those weren't random sacrifices, they were human sacrifice. Lisa added that she also heard that all 3 of them were virgins.

At school Scott and Stiles were standing at the locker before school. Stiles was freaking out because another person went missing and he was scared that his lack of sexual experience might literally be a threat for his life.

"Someone needs to sex me right now!" He shouted

"Alright, i'll do it" said Lisa with a beautiful smile almost making it look believable

"That's so sweet. Are you kidding?" he's fully convinced that she's serious.

"Of course I'm kidding you dumbass" she said as she was walking away.

"You really shouldn't toy with boy's emotions like that Angelica" he said loud enough for her to hear.

Not long after coach took the class for a run and they spotted a dead body, it was Scott's last client from last night. The body had the same injuries like the other 3 sacrifices.

2 more sacrifices were found, both doctors or 'healers'. Scott's first guess was his mum was the next sacrifice but Scott's boss was taken away.

Deaton was found but he was in a cirle of mountain ash which mean Lisa or Scott or any supernatural creature couldn't get through. Scott refused to leave him boss so he fought the magic field of mountain ash and somehow getting through without a humans help, it left Lisa speechless. After Deaton regained his consciousness he explained the twins what just happened. He told them it's something that happens every 100 years it's called being a true alpha, an alpha that doesn't need to kill to become the powerful leader. Scott is a true alpha.

They figured out who was behind the sacrifices, the darach other wise known as Jennifer the english teacher. She was about to kill Lydia when she screamed again, this time every werewolf heard her scream. Jennifer told Lydia what she was because she could see that she was clueless, Lydia is a banshee.

Jennifer disappeared with the 'guardians' Mr Argent, Sheriff Stilinski and Mama Mccall. The pack had no clue no leads on how to find the parents exept for they were told to find the Nemeton . Deaton got an idea on how they could find them but it's dangerous. They have to die, for a few seconds. Deaton will bring them back but it's dangerous because they will give power to the nemeton and the darkness from it will scar or stay with them for the rest of their lives.

There were 3 tubs, filled with ice. The people that have to die are the ones that have a connection to the parents. But the people that have to kill and pull them back to life but it can't be just anyone that person is supposed to have an emotion connection with the person. The people that are going in the tubs are Allison, Scott and Stiles. Lisa was about to stand behind Scott to hold him down but Deaton told her to go with Stiles and he was going to go with Scott, Isaac was going with Allison.

Each pair were holding on to each other. Lisa could feel the anxiety radiating from Stiles. She had her hands on his shoulders and before pushing him in he gently took her hand and stroked it with his thumb. They pushed them down under water until they stopped moving.

The three of them appeared in a white room with what looks like a cut down tree in the middle. Each of them touches it and it flashes a memory and memory that shows them that they've been to the nemeton before without realizing. But the flashbacks give them an idea where it actually is.

The people that were holding them down finally pull them out . They've been gone for 16 hours. A lunar eclipse is in 4 hours which means they're all going to lose their powers which doesn't leave them a lot of time to find their parents.

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i've realized i went into a lot of detail in this chapter but there's more stiles and lisa action coming really soon!

Mind GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora