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Scott and his pack have been laying low but they were planning something really big. Scott was sure that Void got into Lisa's head and was controlling her because he felt like his twin will always be on his side. They used Void and Lisa's time together to their advantage to figure out how was they trap both of them but separately and they will have a chance to find how to save Lisa from Voids mind games. Deaton said that he doesn't think mountain ash will be strong enough to keep Lisa in. So they thought it would be best to make her pass out so they can place her in 2 rings of mountain ash in the animal clinic. It was the safest option.

After the incident in the shop, Void spoke to Lisa about Scott and told her that she can't stay mad at him forever and it was about time they properly spoke and fixed their relationship. Lisa denied but she knew he was right. Later she asked Void to drop her off at the Mccalls house. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Melissa opened the door, she didn't realize it was Lisa until a second later, she looked exhausted, Melissa hugged Lisa tightly and hurried her in. Void didn't bother waiting for Lisa after her saw her mum hugging her and inviting her in so he went back to the flat. Lisa told her she was here because she wanted to speak to Scott. Being apart from him was driving her insane. Melissa told her he was out but he will be back soon so she spoke to her mother while she waited for Scott.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?" Scott asked confused.

Lisa asked him to forgive her and she explained everything. She told him that she was a mess since the first day they weren't talking. She told him that she simply could not live without her twin i. her life. He embraced her and also apologized. They talked the whole day about everything they missed out in each other's lives. She told him that she is a phoenix and the powers she's supposed to have according to the internet and Peter, she told him the things she could do and already experienced. She was so happy she could talk to her twin again, Scott was happy aswell, he was also trying to remember every word she just said about her being a phoenix because it can help them figure out what can help to hold her in when they capture her. But she didn't look dangerous or powerful so he wasn't too worried.

It was getting late and Scott offered to drop her off at her place, she agreed not thinking much of it. She told him the directions and when they arrived she thanked him and gave him a hug. Before she left she said she will definitely invite him and their parents for lunch or dinner one day in her apartment. He told her that's very brave, responsible and super grown up of her. They both laughed, it felt so nice, just like the old times.

It's been a couple days and it was time for the packs plan to start. They were going to keep Void in a circle of mountain ash. They were going to do the same to Lisa but they're doing 2 rings or mountain ash and a ring of iron because supposedly it's a phoenixs weekness.

Scott messaged Lisa asking her to meet him for some sibling time. She told Void she's going to spend the day with Scott and he just asked her to message him if she needs anything. She gave him a quick hug and left to meet Scott. Scott asked her to meet him at the school so she did. He hugged her tight, too tight. She tried pushing him off because she couldn't breathe but she passes out from the lack of air. Stiles injects her with kanima venom so she can't escape or hurt them. They got to the clinic, the pack were waiting for them, they helped Scott and Stiles to gently move Lisa out of Stiles' Jeep. Stiles and Deaton placed her into the the rings of mountain ash and iron. This way she could be safe and everyone else too. Only thing was left is to trap Void.


740 words

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