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The pack has found Stiles's location after his escape. He was at Derek's loft. Sheriff Stilinski hoped there was Stiles in there and he successfully put the handcuffs on. Not even a second later Sheriff looks at Void cold emotionless eyes and realizes it's not his son. Derek, Lisa, Chris and Allison appeared behind the Sheriff for protection. Voids eyes almost looked as they have lit up when landing on Lisa.

"Hey Princess" he said with a smirk, the pack looked bit confused but they didn't wasn't to say anything.

"Hey Void" she said dryly not wanting to look at him or to draw attention to herself.
He looked a bit hurt by her action.

Allison shoots him with a taser but he catches it and throws it to the side. Chris points a gun at void and Sheriff points his gun at Chris. Void plays the victim and encourages the argument between the two men, Allison tried stopping it but she wasn't much help. Lisa however stood there and watched. He got into her head but what he said next made her question the past couple years of her life.

" Have you figured out what you are yet" he chuckled

"Of course, im a werewolf and everyone's knows it" she said making it obvious

"Did you get the bite or did you just feel the power slowly appearing after some kind of event" he said waiting for her reaction, she didn't have anything, she didn't know what to.

" I gradually got the power... but i couldn't really remember that night i just know i was under an influence" she said unsurely

He didn't say anything so she just looked at him. He had a smirk of his face with one of the brows lifted. Not even a minute later he told the group that they will not be killing him but they are going to protect him from the oni he said as he walked behind them. They fought the oni until they disappeared at sunrise along with Void.

Little did they know that he actually went to the basement at the echo house. Kira's mum was there looking at her old lovers lifeless body, the body nogitsune chose to possess before stiles. She had one of her nine tails with her. Stiles grabbed it and before she could do anything he stabbed himself in the stomach with it giving him more power. He was then found by Lydia and Aidan, past out at some parking lot, they took him to the Mccalls house and put him on the couch. Aidan was holding him down in case and Deaton put a couple drops of kanima venom to paralyze Void for a bit but it doesn't stop him from talking. Deaton had tape to put over his mouth.

Melissa was cleaning the cut on his stomach. He started crying showing a bit of humanity. Melissa believed that it was actually Stiles.

"Really Melissa? I shed one tear and that's all it takes?" he said almost being sarcastic. She puts the tape back on before anything else could be said.

The pack knows that the only way to defeat him is to turn him. They decided to go into his mind to find real Stiles and lead him back. Before Scott put his claws in Voids neck , he gave Lisa a look, the look that somehow explained everything she needed to know to her. It comforted her by letting her know that he's confident and strong and knows exactly what he's doing and what's about to happen to him.

Lydia and Scott wake up but stiles is not. Seconds later Stiles wakes up but he's sick? He vomits a very long bandage. A hand shows up from the pile of bandages and a person appears. They pin them down and unravel him. It was Stiles so that means the other one was Void. They're separated but while the pack was busy around Stiles, Void kidnapped Lisa and Lydia.

They were in a dark building. He needed Lydia to scream, he only needed her to predict when he was close to death but Lisa was confused because he clearly has a use for Lydia but why was she there. She decided to stay quiet until he decides mention something about that.

The pack found where Void took the girls and their way to get them. He locked Lydia and Lisa in a cell and the oni arrived. Just the he took a tail and snapped it in half to change the owner ship, now the oni belonged to Stiles.
He sent the oni to fight the pack. Everyone were doing their best but they were really getting hurt. Allison shot a silver head arrow into one of the oni making it disappear and straight after another one stabbed her in the stomach.

Just before Allison's death Stiles and Scott opened the cell. Lydia got out and  screamed her name. Lisa decided to stay in the cell, she understood by Lydia's scream that Allison died but she didn't feel bad. She never really liked her but she thought it wasn't okay. Void felt was feeding on their emotional and physical pain and grief, at that moment he felt it. He felt that she wasn't sad about Allison's death, he was also confused on why did she choose not to leave with Lydia and the pack.

He went down to see her, the cell door was open but she was sitting there next to the wall looking down on her feet.

"You okay my little Lisa" he was curious but also didn't want to invade her space or make her feel scared.

"Why did you bring me here in the first place and why do you keep saying 'my lisa' because i don't belong to you" she exclaimed.

He looked down to the floor and thought of what he should tell her "Lisa means fox in Russian, I brought you here because i don't want you getting physically hurt" his smirk grew as he finished the sentence.

"Physically?" What the fuck does he mean by that and how else can i get hurt she thought to herself.

"I'm going to convince you to trust me and you will be let's say working for me" he chuckled but stopped when he saw her unfazed face.

"Convince me? That will be quite a difficult thing to do and why can't you just use your power on me like with everyone else?" she looked at him waiting for an answer.

"You're special" he walked away leaving the cell door open but yet again she doesn't leave, she just wants answers.

1120 words

hope you guys are liking it :)

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