ーforty seven : everyone has feelings

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"ーSo that was the plan! What do you guys think about it?" Jett had discussed the idea that came up her mind while she was having a dramatic moment. It was a plan to force (Y/n) to come with them to the city to celebrate upcoming Halloween. It was almost November and Jett planned to celebrate it with the whole team.

"Mm, I like the part where we celebrate it together but wouldn't (Y/n) be confused if you just drag her out of the training room and say '(Y/n) go change into this and that. We have somewhere we need to go.' Right?" Of course, Killjoy was the first one to give her opinion. "Think about it, Sunwoo. What if (Y/n) doesn't likeー" Before Killjoy could even continue, Jett cut her off.

"Hey, that's Jett for you! Only close friends can call me that y'know." Jett pouted and made Killjoy apologize. Of course, it was just a friendly interaction, nothing too serious. "But I'm sure (Y/n) wouldn't mind us. She's our friend after all." Jett looked so confident with herself so Killjoy did not say any more to discourage the woman. And because of that confident attitude, the small group that was listening to Jett also agreed with her plan.

...I have a bad feeling about this. Killjoy stared at them with a blank face. Despite her uncaring look, she is actually worried that Jett's plan may not work. Because... Killjoy thinks that (Y/n) is serious about her training right now and she understands that she has to get stronger. But Killjoy also knows that overworking yourself will lead to health problems. Killjoy wants to approach (Y/n) and tell her to rest but she just couldn't find the confidence to.

"Oh right, Raze also had a plan for (Y/n) right? Maybe I should go and talk to her about this..." Jett wandered off to her own world and left the room to go find where Raze was.


"Cypher, have you seen (Y/n)?" Omen asked as he knocked on the open door to the agent's workshop. "Huh, (Y/n)? No, I haven't seen her lately. I heard she's busy." Cypher stopped with his business to look at Omen who was carrying a tray with food. "Oh, this is for her. That's unusual, I thought she would've told you about this." Omen sighed. "What happened to her? Did I miss something?" Seeing that even Omen would bring food for (Y/n) is worrying Cypher. True, Cypher had his suspicions but didn't think it would turn into this situation. Cypher has also been working on something that Brimstone requested him to do so he hasn't been checking his cameras lately at all.

"(Y/n) has been pushing herself too hard the past few days..." Omen said with a grim look. "She keeps ignoring us and gets angry at us when we interrupt her training..." At this point, Cypher had no choice but to see (Y/n) himself. This wasn't like herself at all and he knew that. Everyone did. 

Cypher stood up from his seat and made his way beside Omen. "I'll help you find her, let's go." 


Why do I get mad at them, they ask? It's because they're interrupting me! All they think about is relaxing and laying around when Kingdom is already so close to making a move. I can't understand how they are so relaxed about this? I tried to tell them that it wasn't a laughing matter. Why can't they just leave me alone and let me get stronger in peace? Do they not want me stronger? Am I really that useless that they want to throw me out even before I can redeem myself? A few weeks go I was out there having fun with the others. What the hell drove me into shutting myself away from them? Was it pride, or meaningless desires?

I looked up the sky and noticed that it was foggier than usual. Was a blizzard coming? 

"(Y/n)!" A voice called out to me as I wiped my face with a towel. I just finished my evening training and I'm planning to go back to my room and sleep after I eat dinner. I turned to look at the person who was calling me; Sage. Maybe talking to her just a little bit wouldn't hurt.

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