ーthirty five : chamber

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Your morning went by pretty well. Mostly spending time with Cypher who was spoiling you with his embarrassing teases. Now that morning was over and afternoon has now come, of course, you had to take your long-awaited afternoon nap.

Carefully laying down on your comfortable bed, you stared at the ceiling. You put your arms up to stretch your muscles and grabbed the thick, (favourite color) blanket you brought from the headquarters. A long yawn escaped from your lips and your eyes felt heavy.

You slept on your bed, warm and cozy without any disturbance.

"Darling, please just promise me one thing." A woman in her late 30's faced a little girl who was only 8 years old. The woman was trembling and crying. The girl had no idea what was happening to her mother. "Never, ever tell anyone about what you saw. Alright, baby?" The woman put her hands on the girl's shoulder.

The room's temperature dropped.

"Okay, mommy." The girl answered.

"Let me go!" The teenager struggled in the hands of the doctors whom she despised so much. They were always giving her something she doesn't know about. Always injecting her with some sort of liquid that made her nauseous.

Even though she had a name, they called her 21-S and treated her as if she's some kind of interesting object.

Day by day, she gets weaker and weaker until one day, she woke up feeling different from before. The room was warm but she felt cold. She went near the glass screen and it fogged.

Her days went on like that until it worsened.

Everything she touched were turned into frozen popsicles that was as hard as steel. She felt so miserable and tired from all that was happening to her.

She kept questioning her head; 'Where's my parents? Are they looking for me? Did they forget me?'

A familiar face looed at the girl from the other side of the glass. (H/c) hair and purple eyes. The girl knew that this woman was her mother. But this woman's gaze was different. It was cold and sad. No life, no light.

"Mom?" The girl muttered. The woman read the girl's lip, gritted her teeth and walled away. She was feeling regretful.

August 10, 3037

Today, I practiced my radiant abilities with Jett! I'm slowly learning how to control it and I'm happy about that. At first, I never wanted to train this ability because I didn't want this.

I never wanted this ability.

Having forgotten so many things about what happened inside that laboratory, the only thing I can do for them now is to become stronger. Which I will.

"Hello! My name is Soleil."

Your eyes opened and your brain was fogged. You remember dreaming about your past... One thing that confused you was the name Soleil. It was a child's voice but you couldn't remember how it sounded.

You groaned and looked at the time. 5:53 PM.

There was still time before dinner so you got up and fixed yourself to go for a quick stroll near the beach to clear up your thoughts. You brought your coat with you just in case it was windy outside.

Your slippers printed footprints on the sand as you walked on the shore. It was still 5'oclock but the sky was now dark. The only light source you had was the lights coming from the lamps not far from you.

While you were having a dramatic female lead moment, a figure of a man suddenly appeared in in front your way. He wasn't close to you but he sure was far enough for the lights to not reach him, making his whole features unknown.

"Who are you...?"

The man did not answer. A strong gust of wind passed by which caused you to shut your eyes to avoid getting sand in your eyes. But when you opened your eyes, the man was gone. His silhouette definitely wasn't someone you knew so you mentally noted to ask Brimstone if there's other people here except for the protocol agents.

Left in the state of confusion, you decided it would be best to go back now. You hurried your way to the cabin avoiding anyone or anything that gets in your way.

"Welcome back, (Y/n)." Astra greeted you with a smile as you entered through the door. Her hair was fabulous as always. "Hi, Astra." You greeted back with a shy smile. You weren't that close with Astra so it felt a bit weird to be talking with her so casually. Funny how back then, you were so excited to get close to Astra but ended up being only friends with her.

Enough with the side story.

You slid off your slippers and ran towards the kitchen where you expect Brim was. However, you were only greeted by a Sage and KAY/O cooking dinner together. Thankfully, KAY/O said that he came across Brimstone while making his way to the kitchen.

"I think Brimstone is in the living room with the others." KAY/O gave you a thumbs up sign and went back to helping Sage cook dinner. You replied with a thanks and headed towards the living room.

"Brimstone?" You peeked in the living room and saw the old man you were looking for. He was talking with Breach, Viper, Killjoy, and Reyna. You smiled when you realize that your uncle and Brimstone are always inseparable.

Brimstone and Breach were talking about something. Reyna was sipping her coffee and was listening to the two's conversation about upcoming missions while Killjoy was working on her bots.

"Briiiiimstone, are you busy?" You slowly made your way beside Brimstone and scratched your head nervously. Brimstone glanced at you and motioned you to come in and sit on the sofa.

"Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?" Breach asks. "Well... While I was taking a walk earlier, there was a man." This sentence piqued Reyna's interest. "Did you see what he looked like?" She put her mug on the table and gave you a look.

"No... But he was tall and he can teleport... I think." You really didn't see his face nor what he wore.

A small giggle was heard. "I think I may have an idea on who that man is..." Killjoy finally spoke up. Still tinkering with her alarm bot, she told you about someone in the protocol who Viper really dislikes.

"We call him Chamber."


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