ーfifty : this is just the beginning

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Once everyone had calmed down, Siegfried told you that everyone can stay here until the snowstorm passes. Of course, you couldn't say no since it was still very dark and cold out there and there was no way of returning back to the headquarters without any casualties. You took this opportunity to ask more questions about Siegfried.

"Mister Siegfried, may I know your daughter's name?" You asked the man who was preparing hot chocolate for the others. He smiled at the question and answered: "My baby's name is Kiana. She's a very cheerful girl and I bet you two would get along so well." His voice sounded sad, yet also happy at the same time.

He must really love his daughter. You thought while you stared at him making the drinks. You wondered how nice it would be if you had a father to take care of you and love you unconditionally. You could hardly recall your parents' faces now... They were buried by the memories of being in that laboratory for so long... Not that you cared about how they loved you anyway.

You had your friends now, who treated you like family. They're your new family now.

"Earth to (Y/n)! Hello?" You didn't even notice that Siegfried was calling you as you were too consumed in your day dreaming. "Oh, sorry! I was spacing out." You awkwardly laughed it off and helped him take the mugs of hot chocolate to the living room. Since the cabin is small, it was easy to navigate.

Yoru sighed. "Took you long enough!" He was grumpy because he said he was freezing out there for so long trying to search for you. Of course, you apologized for that. Sage scolded him for being so rude in front of Siegfried. Siegfried chuckled. "It's alright. I'm quite used to this treatment already. My daughter has a very lively group of friends and I often interact with them back home."  He handed the mugs of hot chocolate to the group.

"I hope you find your daughter soon, Mister Siegfried." You assured with a whisper and a pat on the back. He smiles back at you as he handed your your second cup of the hot drink. You thanked him and went to talk with Sage and the others while he puts away the trays.


"Is everyone in position?" A voice was heard from the earpieces of two individuals.  The other person sighed. "Ugh, why do I have to be the one doing this?" They complained. The other had no choice but to shut them up. "Be quiet, Izzy. It's that Phoenix's fault for not agreeing with Storm."

The figure smirked in the darkness. "I can't allow you to have fun anymore, (Y/n). I will tear you to pieces." She ordered Izzy to throw the bombs towards the cabin where everyone was staying in. When the small structure blew up into flames, they quickly left the scene, leaving no traces.

It all happened so fast. There was big explosion in the kitchen which set the cabin on fire. Even the snow wasn't helping it go off. Everyone was already outside, except for one. Siegfried.

The air smells burnt. The fire burns, and the smoke is suffocating. Siegfried yelled at the girl who tried to approach the burning cabin.  "Don't come any closer!" 

The girl did not listen. He warned her again. He didn't know why he was so opposed to the idea of (Y/n) coming to save him. The last thing he ever wanted to happen to girl was get hurt because of him. He shouted with all his might to intimidate the girl. "Sage! Please take her away! It's not safe here anymore!" Siegfried struggled to breathe as he was stuck inside the burning cottage that had no potential exit. "But Sir Siegfried?!" Sage questioned the man's words. However, a reply was not heard. Sage felt her stomach sink.

"(Y/n), we need to leave him behind. The damage is too big for any radiant power to fix now." Sage held (Y/n) back from jumping into the flames to rescue the man. "Let me go!" The girl struggled within Sage's hold. Tears streaming down her face and her voice was weak. She can't let Siegfried die like this. "You guys are useless!"

The supposed to be happy reunion was all destroyed because of an unknown explosion. (Y/n) felt her rage consume her one more time as she pushed Sage away from her. The other agents couldn't do anything at all when the furious girl glared at them.

"It hurts. I think my leg..." Siegfried felt an excruciating pain on his own leg and then a burning sensation in his fingertips. He gasped in horror before collapsing on the ground. He couldn't see anything due to the fire that practically engulfed the whole place. Was it already his time? He hasn't found his daughter yet... Siegfried tried to stand up but his leg was too weak to do that. The man prayed that something, or someone would send him a miracle.

He needed to move but his body felt numb.

He closed his eyes. The fire was now bigger than before and there was no more chance of him escaping this hell. His only wish right now was to hear the sound of his daughter's laughter again. That's all he could ask of life at this moment. To have his loving daughter by his side once more.

Siegfried smiled as he remembered their moments together. When she got home from school, he couldn't wait to tell her stories about his adventures around the world , where he met his comrades and fought alongside them. He missed hearing his beloved girl laughing along with him.

That's when something strange happened. He opened his eyes to an unusual sight.

"Siegfried!" A shout was heard.

It was something that no one expected at all. A bright light appeared outside the cottage he was in. It was so bright that Siegfried had to close his eyes again. The fire disappeared instantly and everything went cold. Colder than before.

The mysterious figure approached Siegfried slowly and gently picked him up. The man couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Sir Siegfried, are you alright?" It was (Y/n), but her eyes were different. Siegfried looked over to Sage and saw her in shock. "...What just happened...?" Jett, who was observing with the other two in the back, was speechless. Did they just notice the awakening of (Y/n)'s radiant abilities? Yes, they did.

She is no ordinary child... Siegfried couldn't stop himself from staring at (Y/n). What kind of person was she exactly? The group watched as she put Siegfried on her shoulder and walked towards them. Her steps were light, but steady.

"Thank...Goodness..." With one last step, (Y/n) collapsed in front of Sage. Yoru, who was on standby, caught the wounded man and attentively carried him. "That girl... What is she?" Siegfried furrowed his brows and coughed.

"We will explain this later, sir. First, we need to get back to the headquarters to treat you and (Y/n)." Sage calmly explained. However, she was panicking inside.


i will be checking your comments in this book later and make an album of it <3

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