ーfifteen : hurry

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The airship has landed. The destination was quite far but not outside Russia. There was still snow everywhere so that indicated that the place was near the headquarters. Who knew there would be some Kingdom pests lurking over here?

"Should we split up?" Omen questioned. Viper said not to split up... But I'm pretty sure I'll be safe as long as I have my earpiece connected to Omen's right? You thought about it for a while before agreeing to it. It would make the work much easier. However, what you didn't know was there was a group waiting for you there.

You walked on the snowy path and kept your guard up. The place was full of boxes and radiante containers. It was a dangerous place for a normal human to be in. Noticing how the cold really didn't affect you, you took off your cloak and put it in your backpack.

You slowed down your movement once you heard footsteps. Not just one, but three pairs of footsteps. It wasn't the best if you panicked right now so you kept your calm and thought about what to do next.

You could contact Viper and Omen through the earpiece but the unknown people could hear you and you might get spotted. An idea came to your mind. You turned on your microphone hoping that they would understand the eerie silence coming from your side.

The footsteps were becoming louder so they should be able to hear that now, right?

"Why are you alone?!... Tsk, just stay where you are, (Y/n). We'll send back up." Viper spoke. You let put a silent sight of relief and thanked the heavens that they could understand what you were doing. You silently prayed that whoever was out there walking, wouldn't find you. If they do, you were most likely to be killed or get injured badly even if you escaped.

Your suspicions became reality when you heard a pistol being reloaded. These guys were the enemy. It was just supposed to be a scouting mission but it seems that it has turned into a much complicated one. Sova had told you about the bomb earlier. Where when it explodes, it gathers up all the Radiante in the area and also exterminating any living being within its range.

You knew that you had to get out of where you were, quick. But the strangers were too close and they could hear you. However, time was running out and they were coming closer. You had no choice but to make a run for it as quiet as possible without getting spotted.

Gripping the pistol you had in hand, you ran.


You fell down the snowy ground, faceplanting. A bullet went through your left leg which had caused you to trip. Oh my god, (Y/n). You are so dumb. Why did I even... Ugh... I should've stayed there... Fuck... You thought to yourself as you tried to get back up only to be shot again. The second bullet had hit your shoulder.  Whoever was shooting you right now, was a fucking menace.

Your earpiece fell on the ground when you tried to stand up so you had no way of communicating with your team now. You weren't even sure if you'll come back alive after this.

The snow white ground was now crimson red due to you bleeding out. It was so painful that it made you burst into tears in the middle of the snowy ground.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we didn't have to search for you anymore. Cypher, go get the others." A foot on your back prevented you from standing back up.

That voice. You furrowed your eyebrows. You recognized that voice. It was Viper's. But not exactly hers. Her clone's voice.

You clenched your fists and mentally cursed. Why wasn't the back-up there yet? What was taking them  long? Were they just gonna abandon you here and let you die? You could see you earpiece getting crushed by Viper's heels and at that point you so close to giving up.

The last thing you saw was the crimson ground before passing out from extreme blood loss.

3rd Person

"(Y/n) (L/n), hello?! Answer me!" No one answered. Static was heard. Shit. Viper knew at this point she had fucked up. But she was ready to take responsibility. 


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