ーforty one : who?

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You groaned in pain as you tried to stand up straight while holding your weapon up. You  unfortunately got shot on the leg by a random bullet that was shot by the enemy. Since Sage was too busy dealing with her opponent, she couldn't come and lessen your injury's pain.

Bear with it, (Y/n). You trudged through the alley and went through the enemy's smoke. "Sova here. There are two more people left. Rush them and we'll have the time to disarm the bomb. Out." Sova's voice was heard through the earpiece. Soleil grabbed something from her pocket that looked like a poisonous substance. You thought it was better if you didn't know what was inside that bottle.

The bomb has been located and the only thing left to do was disarm it. Sage finally eliminated her opponent so it was down to a 5 versus 1 situation. It was already a win-win for your team so you relaxed yourself but still kept your guard up. The bomb started beeping louder which startled you. The air around seemed to have tensed and it felt like you were being pulled into the bomb.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Sova came from behind you and gave you the tool that they use to turn the bomb off. You hovered it towards the explosive and parts of it were raising up, meaning it's being defused.

You hadn't even realized you were holding your breath. Not until you finished defusing the bomb. Sova hummed and put the disarmed bag inside the empty bag he was carrying to secure it. The last man from the enemy team was knocked out by Yoru with a knife on the back.

"Great job everyone. Now we have to take the spike back to base and give it to Brimstone for examination." Sage picked her gun back up which she accidentally dropped earlier due to being shot. "Oh and (Y/n), let me check your injury." She let you sit on a nearby short box and used her ability to lessen the pain of your wound. It helped a lot with the pain but that didn't fix the limp in your leg. You were alright with that though, as long as everyone is safe. 

"Are you alright?" Sova walked up to you with a worried face and open arms. Not wanting to miss this opportunity of hugging the precious Russian man, you melted into a warm hug within his arms. He patted your back and comforted you. Killing a person may seem that easy but it wasn't for you. Killing a person with friends and family and a life of their own seemed so wrong to you. You calmed yourself down in Sova's embrace while he softly caresses your back. 

As you and your team were walking on the way back, you heard a quiet voice call out to you. You looked around but nobody from your team seemed to have called you. You stopped for a moment, not noticing that everyone was already going on ahead without you. The voice called out again. 

This time, your arm was quickly pulled towards someone as they forcefully pinned you to the wall. You struggled to get their grip on your arm to fall. You looked up and saw the criminal. Your eyes locked with theirs and your face paled once you realized who it was.

"We meet again, Miss (Y/n)." 


fun fact, this was supposed to be an oc story

The Other Side | VALORANTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora