ーtwenty two : sick

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"Viper, are you guys alright?" Jett asked the raven-haired lady who was reloading her gun. "Yeah, those pests were sneaky. I'm guessing that you're already done with your job since you came back here uninjured." Viper adjusted her mask.

"Ah, we almost lost one back there. Thanks to (Y/n), we managed to get away. There's still one more left back there." Jett wiped off the sweat rolling down her forehead and put her pistol back in her pocket. "Hmm, that's very impressive of you, (L/n)." Viper commended you. You couldn't believe your enemy was commending you right now.

Tired from all the running, you struggled to breathe properly. Despite the cold temperature of your body, you felt hot and heavy. Your face paled. I can't be passing out right now... We still have a battle to fight.

"Are you alright, (L/n)?" Viper walked closer to you, clearly concerned. "You look pale, girl. Maybe you should go take her to the medical room." Breach suggested since he could also see how you looked so exhausted and pale.

You refused to go to the medical room but Jett and Breach forced you to, you had no choice. Viper took you to the medical room and let you rest on one of the beds. Feeling very tired, you drifted into a deep sleep.

Sitting beside her mother, (Y/n) stared at the paper works her mom was working on. A mere 5-year-old couldn't understand the contents well but she was able to read it.

"Kingdom...exp...experee...ment?" (Y/n) muttered out. She asked her mother what was that but she was only given a 'no'. Her mother said she was too young to be knowing about these things.

"You'll know soon, darling. I'm so sorry about this..."

You awoke to the sound of people talking. It was noisy to your ears and you couldn't help but be annoyed at the irritating sound. Your vision became clearer and there you saw Phoenix and Jett mumbling about the mission.

You slept so peacefully that no one even dared to wake you up. Viper also forbid making too much noise in the medical room. They were definitely giving you special treatment and weren't planning on killing you anytime soon. Why though?

Kingdom is so weird. Are they really just robotic clones? You looked around the room and saw medical supplies and... a syringe. You fell out of the bed which surprised the two agents in the room. "Hey (Y/n)! You're awake? What are you doing down there?" Jett questioned. Seeing your panicked state, she furrowed her brows and asked what was wrong.

You felt nauseous. To think that the sight of a single syringe could make you feel so sick in the stomach. Memories from the hellish lab you were in came flooding back. KINGDOM.

It was Kingdom who abducted you and performed nasty experiments on your body. It was them who messed you up and gave you this ability and hell-like life.

Your eyes met Jett's. She tried to help you up but you slapped her hand away out of disgust.

These people are from Kingdom too right? How am I so dumb, feeling so soft towards my enemy? Why are they helping me? Aren't they supposed to be the antagonists of my story?

"I'm...fine. Just leave me alone for a moment, please." You weakly got up and sat on the bed. Jett and Phoenix had no choice but to go outside since you seemed to he in a bad mood. You shoved the syringe off of the table and covered yourself with the thick blanket. The glass shattered on the floor and you didn't even bother to clean it up.

You felt so hot yet your body was so cold. Is this normal for someone who has a fever? You sniffled and wished that the Valorant Protocol would save you right here, right now. The nauseous feeling was now gone and only an intense headache was left. You felt so tired that you fell asleep the moment you thought about sleeping.

Cypher entered the cold room with a bouquet of (favourite flowers). He put it in the table near your bed and sighed. Things were going well for him and he has a bad feeling his luck will run out soon. He already lost her that one time, he can't lose her again this time. 

"(Y/n), please stay. We need you."


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