ーeight : combo

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Since the first training was cancelled due to clones attacking, you couldn't get to practice how to shoot a pistol. Breach planned to train you himself but Brimstone scolded him since he had paperworks to be done but here he was, spoiling his niece with love.

Since Breach was sadly not available again, Yoru and Phoenix were assigned to train you. Sage demanded that it should be her but Brimstone told her to let Phoenix and Yoru handle the job. Sage had way too much other jobs to finish first. (Like cleaning up Raze's room and making plans for future retakes.)

At the moment, you and Cypher were in his workshop tinkering with some cameras. He had been teaching you how to fix them, which you enjoy doing as a pastime. Cypher has many broken and failed camera scraps so you like to create new stuffs with it or simply just fix the cameras.

Being with him really made you learn a lot of things. You were really glad that he offered to teach you what you missed. You owed him a huge debt.

"Aamir, do you think I can shoot a gun well today? Me and those annoying duo are gonna go to a private shooting range today to train..." Out of nowhere, you stopped playing with the camera part and slammed your head not so hard on the table.

Cypher, who was slightly surprised by your actions, replied: "I'm sure you'll do well, (Y/n). I know you always try your best." He gave you a heartwarming smile. It hasn't been even 2 months yet after he showed his unmasked face to you and you still weren't used to it. He's so pretty...

But yeah, you preferred his unmasked face than his masked face. He was very handsome but you could never tell him that. You would probably get very embarrassed and avoid him forever.

"You're so sweet, Aamir."

"Only to you, حبيب قلبى."

(It says sweetheart. How do you even mix Arabic with English words when Arabic is supposed to be read from right to left...)


"Secret." Cypher chuckles.

"Aw, come on. You know like, everyone's secret and I don't know even a single one of yours!" "I am a very secretive man, you see." You rolled your eyes on him and continued inspecting the metal scrap. A few minutes later, a knock was heard from the door.

"(Y/n), it's time." Yoru's muffled voice was heard from the other side. You let out a long sigh and stood up. Stretching your back slowly, you felt yourself getting dizzy. Good thing Cypher was there to put you back in balance. Getting dizzy was quite normal to you now since you were an anemic person. You find it quite difficult to sleep at night too but you didn't mind it at all.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go." You put your needed things in your sling bag and fixed your hair. You waved goodbye to your dear friend, Aamir. After that, Yoru, Phoenix, and you headed towards a shooting range inside the safezone.

"So you're telling me that she just shot a bullet and made the target froze?!" Phoenix exclaimed. He just got back from getting drinks for you, Yoru and himself. Yoru nodded. "Yep."

Yoru just witnessed you shooting a pistol and when the bullet hit the target, the target started to grow ice in it. You couldn't believe what happened but it was part of your ability so you didn't complain. It was actually a nice extra knowing that you can't use your abilities that much since it takes a lot from you stamina.

"No way! (Y/n) can you do that thing again?! Pleasepleaseplease???" Phoenix literally begged you like a hungry puppy waiting for it's owner to feed it. You had no choice but to do it again since you didn't want him to annoy you any longer.

You picked up the deagle and aimed at the moving target. One, two, three. You found the perfect timing and shot the gun. It wasn't visible but you could feel the bullet was already freezing. The bullet froze the moving target as it hit it. 

"NO FUCKING WAY MATE, THAT'S SO LIT!" Phoenix almost destroyed the wooden table when he punched it out of shock. Poor table. "Me and (Y/n) are the complete opposite. Quit funny, huh? She's ice and I'm fire-""You're ugly and she's not." Yoru cut off Phoenix's dialogue.

At first you couldn't believe what he just said. "What." Both you and Phoenix's jaws hung open.

"Hey, I'm not ugly!"

"Did you just call me pretty?"

Both you and Phoenix said at the same time. For some reason, this made Yoru chuckle. It was rare to see the riftwalker smile or laugh so both were actually genuinely shocked down to the bone. "Phoenix is it gonna rain rocks soon?..." You tugged on Phoenix's sleeve and looked away from Yoru. Phoenix went on with the teasing and acting until Yoru snapped. Shit didn't go well at all after that.

And that's how you and Phoenix came home crying because of Yoru's insults. The Japanese's insults were far too powerful for the two to handle.

And obviously Yoru was scolded by Breach for making you cry.


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