ーforty three : realization

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The truth was in front of you but you just didn't see it clearly.

Your parents worked for Kingdom... So doesn't that mean they were from the other earth too? If that's the case then, you were the clone all along. If you were the clone then where is the real (Y/n) that's supposed to be in your place right now? Aamir said that you didn't have any duplicates but that didn't explain anything about the Kingdom agents saying things about another (Y/n)!

Then why did Breach say her sister worked for Kingdom? Did... The two (M/n) (L/n) work for Kingdom? If so, then who was your real mother?

You shook your head in frustration. You were so confused and conflicted and you didn't know how to deal with this problem. What exactly is Kingdom's goal? That question applies for the Protocol as well. What is their main goal?

Why are they fighting eachother?

"Follow your heart." That was part of the advice that unknown voice gave you when you were back in Kingdom's HQ. "...Follow where your heart leads you. You are special and gifted. This is your your second chance in life." You repeated the words that voice said to you. You confused as to why they said second life. What was its meaning?

"Wow that was some nice lyrics, (Y/n)! Are you composing a sog or something?"

Your soul almost left your body when you noticed that Raze was peeking from behind you. "Raze?! When did you get here?" Hurriedly, you hid the documents from the girl and awkwardly smiled at her. Hoping that she didn't see any of the contents, you scratched the back of your head and asked why she was here.

How did she get in? I locked the door!

"Well... Brimstone and Breachy told me to come over so I did! Since I remembered that you were in this Headquarters, I decided to visit you... Hehe." She was practically beaming and shining when she was talking about you. "I've missed you so so much, (Y/n)!" She pulled you into a tight hug.

Gasping, Raze pulled away from the hug and clapped her hands. "By the way! Have you heard of the new agent recruited by Chamber?! I heard she's reaaally cool! Oh, I'm so excited to meet her already!" Raze was jumping in joy and continued on with her ramblings. It was nice to have her endlessly talk about something. It brought you back to when you were still new.  She became one of your first friends in the Protocol.

But then again, did you really deserve all of this kind treatment? After finally realizing the truth that was always there, you became anxious and worried about everything. To think that a heavy truth would be revealed to you, and only you. It was a big burden to carry.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)? You look down today." Raze questioned but you just replied with an 'I'm alright.' "Let's go, I want to hang out with you. Oh and also how did the mission go?! I heard you guys blasted it!" She grabbed you and took you to the kitchen to grab some food.

You told her that the mission definitely wasn't easy as you expected. And thanks to Soleil you finally completed one of your... Missions...?

To... Kill a person, that is.

"So I threw a molly and the baam! (Y/n) shot the guy and then he dropped dead!!! It was soooooo satisfying!" Soleil crossed her arms and did a confident pose. "...Is that really something you should be proud of?" Killjoy awkwardly laughed and took a sip of her juice.

At the moment, you were with Killjoy, Soleil, Raze and Cypher. The mechanical pros had to talk about their inventions today and Raze invited you to tag along. Soleil also tagged along with Killjoy.

...Was it alright for you to be here? Drowned by negative thoughts, you didn't hear the voices calling out to you until somebody shook you awake from your daydream.

"ーSweetheart, what's wrong?" Though his face was covered, Cypher's mask created wrinkles and it was a sign that he was making a worried face. "Oh! Uhm, sorry Aamir. I was just thinking about tonight's dinner." You made a very... Bad excuse. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" You waved your hands in front of you and smiled., hoping that they wouldn't see through your mask.

"O-oh, right! Uhm, I need to go to the bathroom, yes. Haha..." You dashed out of the room and never planned to come back. You ran to your bedroom and locked yourself in. KAY/O, who witnessed your sudden actions, decided to knock on your door and offered you a... Therapy session?


"So (Y/n), what do you think about my newest invention? I call it the Boom Botty 2.0...? (Y/n)?" Raze trailed off to (Y/n), who seemed to be daydreaming and was in a world of her own. What is she thinking about? "Earth to (Y/n)?" Soleil called out to her but she didn't respond.

Her complexion was pale and she clearly isn't thinking about something good. We called her name a few times but she didn't seem to hear us. Just how deep is she in that daydream?

I stood up from my seat and walked towards her. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I gently shook her by the shoulders. Then, she snapped out of it. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead as she gave us a faltering smile. "Oh! Uhm, sorry Aamir. I was just thinking about tonight's dinner."


I furrowed my eyebrows and gave her a suspicious look. I glanced at the others and it looks like they don't believe her too. Instead of elaborating further, (Y/n) excused herself from the group and left the room.

There was a long silence before somebody finally spoke up. "So, anyone got a clue why (Y/n) lied?" Soleil asked. Killjoy only shook her head and as for me... "I'm not sure..."

"Well..." Raze paused and sipped the life out of her orange juice box. "She looked really down earlier when I broke inside her room." She threw the flattened juice box to the nearby bin and whistled.

"Hmmm... Wait, you broke into her room?!" Killjoy choked on her drink and started coughing. Well, that's one way to surprise someone. Just, break into their room. "Then we should make (Y/n) happy!" Soleil suggested. She has a point, we should make her happy. But how do we make her happy?

(Y/n) rarely shows any interest in something. All I know is that she likes (favourite food) and (coffee/tea/juice). I told her I knew everything about her but in reality, I never really got any information about her personal life... Except for her background.

"I have an idea."  Razed grinned. "Oh no." Killjoy sighed.

2nd Person

"May I know what is it that you're worried about, (Y/n)?" KAY/O asked you who sat on your bed, eyes closed. "I... KAY/O, what would you do if you met the clone of myself?" You hesitantly asked the robot. To which he immediately replied: "I was created to eliminate enemies, I will have no choice but to eliminate them then."

You shivered at the thought of KAY/O beating you up. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let him inside your room afterall.


things will get confusing from this point, buckle up.

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