¹⁴ meeting her friends

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Optimus opened his optics as he slowly gets up out of the bed. He rubs his faceplate in tiredness,   as he looked at the clock wall, reading six in the morning. 

Optimus knocks on Aria's door but no one replies. He raises his optical ridges as he knocks again but once again no one replies. He looks inside which Aria was nowhere to be seen, which sent a mild panic through his frame.

He goes downstairs to meet his lieutenant in the kitchen, in his holoform. Jazz was sipping the coffee that he finally learned how to make on his own, with the certain help of Aria.

" Hey boss, there's a note about the lil lady" Jazz said as he points to the fridge, a yellow sticky note stuck on the fridge, where he reads the neat, handwritten note.

Hey guys,

I left early for a council meeting, so I left food in the fridge for you guys to eat.

If you guys need any help, call me or my brother.

p.s don't let Sideswipe use the kitchen plz

from Aria :)

" What does it say?" Jazz asked as the rest of the Autobots came down to the kitchen. "Apparently she had to leave early for a meeting " Optimus said after reading the note. He noticed that Johan wasn't among them which Ratchet seemingly answered what was in his helm.

" Johan is sleeping from his jet lag so let's not disturb him" Ratchet explained. They did not want to wake him up so they left him to sleep, since they had a feeling that Johan was overprotective of Aria so they didn't want to get on his bad side any further.

The older bots left the kitchen as Jazz, Dino, Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were the only ones in the kitchen. The silver frontliner took the note and read it. " Do you guys know which college she goes to?" he asked the others.

" California Institute of Art"

Everyone turned around surprised to see Sunstreaker answering the question. He raised his brows at them, " What? I asked her when we were painting together" he explained.

Sideswipe was thinking for a while which Sunstreaker knew that whatever he was thinking, was probably going to be a bad idea. Then he had a cheeky smile on his face as he looked at Jazz, Dino, Bumblebee and his brother. " What if we give her a surprised visit"





" That meeting in the morning took forever" Lara whined as Aria and Tyler shake their heads amusingly at her. Aria had left the house early as she finished the meeting and was getting ready to finish the day.

Aria smiled as she pondered if the Autobots were okay by themselves,  she knew that her brother would keep an eye on them. Ever since he discovered the Autobots, he seemed a bit more protective of her but little did she know that her brother didn't want the Autobots to be near her as he saw how they looked at her. He didn't like it, not at all.

𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒, transformersWhere stories live. Discover now